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Hey need advice please...

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I never thought i would be posting in this part of the forum..neways.. Here it goes:


Me and my ex have been dating for 4 months, and we just recently started having alot of arguments for like a month.. I just recently got my licence so i can now go where ever i want.. tuesday she was acting like totaly careless, i would do everything from kiss her to hugging her, and she would just act like she didnt care. Let me note that she is on her period.


throughout the night i kept telling her lets just have a good day please, and i was doing everything possible to do so.. But she was in this consistant careless attitude, she wouldnt give me attention at all.. she just kept watching the movie(at my house that i rented for us) she said was so boring, and was acting like it was so entertaining to the point she would forget i was next to her i would always have to make the move to kiss her that day.. Eventualy she stated she was mad the next day, and i said it was bull**** the way she was acting, and she said she was mad over a number of things i did that just kept building up, she never stated these thingss even tho i asked her over and over.


yesterday i texted her and said im tired of the way she was acting and it was bs and all this stuff, and still in the text all she said was ya i was mad, i had to keep texting for her to say mad about things i did... i said that she should just consider her self single and here i am today, i dont knwo if shes just like this cuz she is on her period or what..


Last night i called her and i said whats our situation she said ''you tell me, you made the decision'' and still on the phone had this careless bull****attitude, as if she had nothing to say even tho alot of ****went down..


im soo confused do girls just get like this when they are on their period? should i wait for her to call me? should i move on? should i call her?? i dont know!! i didnt evne do nething bad.. accept break up with her i guess

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Hey there,


When I was younger, it seemed like I PMS'ed worse than I do now being almost 29. I think it's hormones raging but I can recall times where I just felt like being a witch and I had no real reason to be. Man, what a crappy feeling, believe me, I didn't enjoy it. Every woman is different but at times I can't stand when women use their period as an ace card or a reason to be unbearable to be with. For the most part, we can control our emotions. But just my opinion, others may disagree.


Is she like this all the time? I am not sure if this is something that has been happening or just now. If it is her period and this is a hard time for you and her, what you can do is count 28-30 days from now (if her cycle is regular) and steer clear from her for a few days.


For now, I would lay low for awhile, let things cool off and let her know you like being with her and that you are sorry she had a few rough days but don't apologize for the things you did like telling her to have a good day and the texts you sent her. You handled the situation the best way you could and since she did not give you much to go by, then there was nothing else you could have done. Just chalk it up as a learning experience and I hope everything is ok. Take care.

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The problem is that if it was her period to blame this won't be the last period that she has.


Time to re-evaluate if the relationship is worthwhile continuing. Frankly, that passive-aggressive "I'm mad but I won't tell you why" attitude would be enough for me to look for a new girlfriend.

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Hey, thanks for the replies.. this is the first time she has been like this..i do think shes using it as an excuse.. i just dont understand why she wouldnt tell me whats wrong..thats the thing that makes me the most mad..


I dont know if i should apologize tonight..wait for her to call after work..i dont know..


Im just going to see if she calls after i get off work at 9, and if not ill give her a call..tell her how i feel. and see what happens..


It hurts thinking about moving on..but i can do it.

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hmm i dont know what her problem is, if shes really mad at something or just acting weird... but when my bf and i hit the four month mark i started acting the same way as her. not for really any reason, mainly because i was stressed about other things and i guess i felt like as if every little thing he said just added to it. i didnt want him touching me and i would ignore him just the way your gf did, but i couldnt really explain why, it was just a feeling i had. i thought to myself that deep down i know that i cared about him, and i made an excuse that i couldnt see him for a day or two (probably said i needed to run errands) and after getting away from him i missed him and wanted to be with him again. have you guys been spending a lot of time together recently? this never happens to me anymore though, so maybe i was just getting used to having a boyfriend. now i always want to be with him

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there you go, try spending a little bit of time away from eachother, let her cool off. try calling her, but if shes going to act shady dont cave in. show her that youre giving her space, and try not to spend so much time with eachother. maybe see eachother for two days, go one day without seeing her, then see her the next day (assuming you guys get back together)

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Ya we got back together last night, it was close. but i kept talking to her and she said she wanted to stay together and we are..thanks for all the input..


my conclusion was that im not going to break up with her when ever she gets me real mad, ill just talk over her with it.

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