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is it bad to talk to a girl who might be with someone else?

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quick question, say im almost sure this girl likes me...like she sits and class and i catch her staring at me from time to time. She always smiles when i look at her in the hallway (even when shes not facing me, peripheral vision? lol i duno) she always says "HHII eric!" when i look at her as well. All my friends are like go for it, i guess when i was walking up to someone to chat, they pulled her over like, "hey, that kid's name is Eric" to which she "exploded" (quote from them) with a huge smile and an, "Oh i know he has class with me in 10 minutes!"


Anyway, i sort of want to talk to her but i can't get myself to do it because there has been this guy around her, some people say its a boyfriend, others say they don't know what the relationship is, it has me confused to hell. I don't really wanna get shot down but shes so cute, id at least want to be friends.


So what do i do? Talk to her? or leave it go?


Thanks for the input,


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First find out for sure if she is with someone else. If they are not serious and are simply in an open relationship go for it. HOWEVER and this is a big one...if she is with him and you can pull her that easily...just when you fall for her, someone will come along and take her away...be mindful of how you walk into this thing. Know your facts first before just jumping in. Make sure she's worth going after.

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Not to be a chump brothers, but karma, is a nutty thing.


A. what if it was you with a chick, maybe your in love with her, then some other guy moves in and starts firing. You may say let the best man win, or you may say, that's a big problem with the world today, no one gives a sh*t about anyone else.


B. Can you trust a chick who leaves her boyfriend for you, i would think the odds of her repeating the behavior are probably better, seeing how you know for a fact, she's done it at least once.


C. If this is a untrustworthy young lady, your doin' the guy a favor.



but don't think that if this is a descent relationship, and the guy cares for the girl and does what a man should do, that this won't catch up to you. Life has a way of reciprocating everthing.

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