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I need some advice or some things cleared up!

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Hey I use to come on here so much talking about my ex and how he did me wrong, Well I no longer talk to him and have been broken up over a year now


I have not dated anyone...Well last week I met this guy I gave him my number and ever since then we have been hanging out every night and talking on the phone almost everyday...


He took me to dinner and he is in school and works everyday but comes out at night with me even though he has to get up in the morning we get along really well and he makes me smile..


Now that is not what I need help with I asked him what is going on between us he said we were friends and I said that's cool he said is that ok with you I said sure it is..


Lastnight we talked about it again he said we will be together but he does not want to be getting with anyone until he moves into his own house which will be next week why he is saying that I am not sure but he is a sweetheart..


He says he likes me and that I am sweet nice and fun to be around and we have been together all week and stayed together 2 nights and didn't even do anything which is a good sign because that is not what im looking for


So to go on with my story is it possible he could like me and want to get with me after he moves into his house or could he be just saying that his house will be 30 minutes away but he will be here on weekends told me that he wants me to come spend time with him to..


I have not dated in so long and had so many issues with my ex that I cant tell if things he is saying is the truth but yet he does flirt hang out and stay with me so im not so sure


Is there any chance that someone could let me in on some advice on what could be going on please? Thanks so much

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He always mentions the fact that he does like me and that he is moving and that he dont want to get with anyone until he moves into his own house out of his parents house... I do like him though I have not felt this much happiness is such a long time could be from having fun with him and him making me smile but I just enjoy the time spent with him and I am afraid that he could be toying with me but not so sure why

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Hey - so pleased that you have moved on - well done, you have come such a long way.


As to the new guy - calm down a little. It's only been a week. Just 'go with the flow' and enjoy what you have now. Don't peer to much into the future and don't get too involved too quickly - guard your heart a little.

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Yeah I know exactly what u mean that is why I posted this hehe I guess it's because it took so long to get here that it feels so right ya know

But I understand completely but we truly do get along well I just dont want to get myself into something like before so I came for the best advice around heh


DN thanks so much you helped me get far to you gave me some great advice it may have taken a little bit to click in but it did and I feel alot better, I deserve so much more then what was going on with me and alot of ppl helped me realize that

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I totally agree with DN and for he knows of my issue as well that im still healing slowly but surely...guard ur heart girl u and I are soooo much the same...giving our all to quickly....but remember our experiences in the past are a bit similar...we gave our all and got hurt at the end!!! So guard ur heart and dont rush into anything ...only fools rush in and sadly we good girls fall in!!!!

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I know exactly what you mean girl trust me I do and it's hard enough with all the crap we have put up with and how much pain we put ourselves through but now we are both doing so much better and I am happy!!


But I can see what everyone is trying to say but I have not felt like this is forever u know that yourself girl! But I am going to guard myself


I just hope things work out for the best!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey baby girl!!! nice to see youre back on playing the field. take it slow sweetie and suggest he does the same too. enjoy the dating process it can really be a lot of fun! and hey once he gets his own pad, im sure youll be spending plenty of time with him just the 2 of you, just make sure you are ready for that.


ciao baby!



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