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Question for ppl who live in Canada..:)

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I've searched all over the web to find out what the age is; but I can't seem to find it.

I don't believe you would be given it over the counter at a pharmacy at your age.


However, your doctor is confidential. I'd advise that you book an appointment and discuss it.

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thanks alot either way darkblue..

but is it possible the age could be at 14 since, in quebec, canada u are aloud to have sex at 14?...so maybe its the same 4 the pill


Very good point.

I don't see why, if you're allowed to have sex at 14; you wouldn't be able to receive ECP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, italian_chick505


I'm in Canada. The morning after pill is now available over the counter in pharmacies in Canada there is no minimum age and even if their was the age of consent is 14 so you would definatly be able to obtain it. There is no reason your parents would be able to find out. Right now though its very expensive around $40 in pharmacies, which poses a lot of problems for teenagers. But I also know for a fact there is a sexual health clinic in Quebec that you can go to and they will provide it for about $10 without insurance. You can get it almsot for free if you use your parents insurance but you don't want them to know understandably. Even if you go the pharmacy route I suggest you look up the sexual health clinic for future use. They will give you protection no matter how old oyu are iwhtout your parents being informed. Jsut look up the Health Unit in your phone book call them and ask where the sexual health clinic is. Canada has what is probably one of the best sexual health programs in the world. To start you can go on the pill and buy condoms for less because your youger, under 21. I would highly suggest you check it out. You cna go on the pill for 10 dollars per month and you can buy condoms for 10 cents each. That's 100 condoms for 10 dollars. Thats the standard prices in Canada for those under 21. Also they have so many sample packages to give out that they will let you start on the pill for free and if you can't afford it normally they will jsut give it to you for free. When I first went on the pill at 15 they gave me 6 months of the pill for free. Aren't you glad you live in Canada?


Tell me if that helped or if there is anything else you need to know.

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i live in canada to , but i had a friend who i went in to the doctor with and he gave her the moring after pill for free so maby go talk to you doctor and see if he or she can give you the pill, it would save money because i am sure they will have them and give them to you.

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