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Here's an outline to my little story;


I met a girl, we clicked straight away. Things seemed to good to be true- they were.


Basically, I got on reallllllllllllllllly well with this girl, Lucy. We had been seeing each other for over 2 months. Things were pretty serious, she was constantly calling me, texting me, sending me erotic photos, following me home (bit strange i know )..


Anyway... her personality was great. We just clicked and could talk about anything and everything. I know she was really into me. There were a few strange things that I saw and asked about, but she had good explanations... And I accepted them at face value. I BELIEVED HER, I TRUSTED HER.


She was always telling me how she had been treated badly in the past, being cheated on etc.... and how she would NEVER do that.


So it came out of the blue, a txt message from hr phone, that I could tell was not her (I just knew). Then I started receiving witheld phonecalls. It turned out to be her BOYFRIEND.


At 3.00am last night i gt a message saying ''hi this is lucies boyfriend, i'm not sure if she told you she had a boyfriend, but she does. She's lost him now, please take car of her''.


He phoned the next morning and we talked about the situation. I told him that I wanted nothing to do with her after the lies she had told me. Her personality that i liked so much was fake... and i guess that upset me, that hurt.


I asked hime where this left him... he said she had done it before so that was it.


I was ok with that. But then I found out they were back together. They had been together for 3 yrs prior to this event. This really annoyed me, that they were back together, but i was unsure why at first.


It got me thinking... and I realized I was annoyed because SHE didn't deserve to be with anyone. I not only felt sorry for this guy, but at her for treating him like that........ I mean, what sort of a punishemnt is that????


I tried explaining to the guy she wasn't worth it, I told him he had a choice to make. I was no longer a part of this. I'm disappointed he made the wrong decision.


I don't know why i've written this, I just had to. I still feel angry and have mixed feelings, but atleast I am beggining to understand why.


I feel I have rushed this story, so I hope it makes sense and I look forward to reading your responses to this situation I have found myself in.


I must say, this incident has had an impat on my ability to trust people.



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OH MY GOD, i was in a 100% similiar situation, u will not believe my story was sooo similiar to that, i went through a very hard time, beleiving it, she turned out to be such a lier, and such a dishonest person, i cannot explain how much she lied to me, turns out she left me and got back with this guy she was dating for 3 years, and same thing happened i started receving phone calls from him, and he was being a bastard so i told him i was like if u wanna talk to me "you need to come and see me in person" i was not scared at all, and it was just crazy, i dont know what to say, and she did the same thing to me, she would always tell me that we will never break up, and she would say her ex was such a "mean person" i wont go into details and she always told me that we will never break up and she assured me that she will never leave me for him and she even said she will not leave me for any one, but she actually did end up leaving me for "him" which made me REALLY really upset, but i am over it, me and her we dated for about 7 months we were in a relationship. and i have tottally forgot about her, she is not again trying to get back with me and i told her noooooo...lol.

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Your situation is remarkably similar, but there is one slight difference. This girl didn't break up with anyone, she was playing us both.


I knew as soon as I found out that was it. You lie to me, your out the door. No matter how much I like you. I told this to the guy, said I no longer had anything to do with her and that he had a decision to make.


He made the ill-calculated decision to stay with her. This is what I feel has annoyed me for the main part. How can he let her get away with this???????! She doesn't deserve ANYONE.


I am 90% sure given the choice she would have chosen me over him. But I respect myself too much to trust her any longer. The girl I once liked was merely one big lie. thereforeeee she has had only the option of getting back with him. And to my disbelief, they are back together!!!!!!


He even said, in ther 3 yr relationship, this is not the first time this has happened!!!


I want nothing to do with such lying, deceiving, untrustworthy individuals and I can't see why hesee's any different. She is obviosuly going to do it again and again and again. Once a cheater, always a cheater.


I went straight round to her house. They were both there. I said exactly what was on my mind. I said '' You are the biggest loser I have ever met in my life and your boyfriend is the biggest wussy I have ever met in my life... you make a great couple''.


Then I walked away..

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i agree with you when u said that she does not deserve any one, she will keep hurting people, there is a myth, people think that us guys are the ones that cheat, and lie, and do all the bad things in relationships, and it really REALLY makes me soooo mad when we end up with some girl that behaves this way, as lucy, and my ex debra, it really makes me mad when we wanna be truthfull, and make good relations and turns out the girl is acting like that, it really ticks me off.

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you had 76 views and my third responce, i hope other people will respond too,


as you said that she should not deserve to go out with any one, because she will keep hurting people, i totally agree on that. you are actually nice enough to talk to that guy and u tried to explain to him that she is not worth it, that is a good quality, because if it was me i was not gonna be able to talk to him, because of the pain i would be going through. or because of how much upset i would be.


keep your head up! there are alot of good ladies out there i know this is what we all say but, trust me it will happen one day, you will come accross a reall good women one day.


i hope this helps

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Thanks once again for your valued contribution to my post bila. Your responses have helped me a great deal, expecially as you have been in the same situation.


I was hoping other people (possibly some women) would be able to add something too, but if not, then ok. I was meaning other peoples views or thoughts on the situation rather than the number of times this post has been viewed !


What would make a peron behave in such a way? (Lucy?)


I presume she will always be untrustworthy?

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this is just my thinking, every body thinks differently, but i think that the people that behave like that, they either had a bad growing up experience, or some one had done them wrong, and they have a very tough time to deal with thier pain, so they ended up being a lier or a untrustworthy person. an example of this is me, when debra left me, i was in extreme pain, and to deal with the pain i started smoking cigarates, i had never smoked cigs in my life, and now i am addicted to cigs, because i was trying to deal with the pain and the out come came out to be bad for me, it made me addicted to cigs, and now i am basically addicted to cigs.


just like with her she might of had something in her past that made her this way, may be child abuse, or any kind of bad relationship experince, or may be even bad friends, some times friends can do that to you too. or sometimes when we have a tough time in life we as humans tend to do bad things to other poeple to make our self feel better. that could be another reason.


again this is just what i think about it.

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