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Why do you workout?

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Stress relief, to stay fit, to stay in shape, for fun. And a fit body definitely attributes to a happier soul


I don't do fitness though, I don't like working out on machines indoors. I run, I swim and I just started capoeira, which are all very intensive



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I work out to compete (in mountain biking).


I work out to feel good.


I work out because I find an athletic body/muscles sexy.


I work out to be strong.


I work out to be healthy.


I work out to deal with stress.


I work out to think and deal with issues in my life.


I work out because I love that rush of getting a great sweat, and those endoprhins coursing through my body - after a really tough workout I love that feeling when you are done too.

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Our bodies were meant to be under constant physical exersion. Centuries ago there was no such thing as being lazy! Well...maybe for the wealthy but overall people always had things to tend to. Which is why there is such a huge epidemic of obese people this day and age. We have evolved into calorie consuming, weight gaining machines. Our bodies are telling us to utilize the energy we've stored which is purely evident in.....lethargy, hyperactivity (brain), stress and for the worst......sickness!


I work out (and not necessarily go to the gym!) because...

1) I don't want to feel overwhelmed with laziness. I find that I'm alot more efficient and I get more done in a day. Overall I have alot more energy and the plus side of that is I'm more fun to be around!

2) Sometimes you can have too much energy and your brain can feel like you just can't concentrate. Your mind thinks about one thing and then another thing, and then another thing. Then you become a worry wort (just an example) I'm a student in the medical field and especially when it comes to studying and making sense out of things, I find that physical exersion (maintained level of activity) can really help me stabilize nervous tension with the ability to feel WIDE awake. Not only that, when it comes to bed time and your done for the day, having a good workout that day can assist in getting a good nights rest! I like doing that before an exam!

3)When I'm stressed.....working out releases tension by relaxing my muscles (from a good stretch or yoga work out). You come out feeling refreshed and your body loves it. It then goes back to having an awesome nights rest. If you maintain this workout regimen, you'll be hitting all your stress points and getting rid of it before you even realized it was there!!!!

4) Working out speeds up metabollic activity within your body. Simply, the more you work out the more you improve all the systems in your body. for example your cardiovascular system. You work out....which increases your heart rate.....blood flows quicker in your body......which means your transferring more oxygen(good) into your system and more carbon (bad...in essense) out of your system.....your more awake.....your heart is stronger....decreased risk of health problems ie. heart attack. and....my favourite......it increases your sex drive! and the benefit of that is it's like a cycle...you get another great work out from sex!


Sorry for the huge explanation but I think it's important to really understand why people work out!


OVERALL.....I work out because I have more control over my body!!!! I can destress, I can feel awake, I can make myself feel sleepy, It helps me feel content/excited/stronger, I can fight off a cold easily, I enjoy sex! (also because your alot more flexible!) and I do and want to do more in a day!....which also relates to personal growth!!!! and lastly, if you keep it up long enough you will have a very healthy looking body!!!!


Take care,



ps. I was 60-75 pounds overweight and all those negative implications of not working out took a toll on me. I was very sick! Now I feel like there's more to experience and enjoy in life.


Take care and I hope you work out for all the good reasons!

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