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Girl at Bank...

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There is this girl that works at the bank I go to, that I find myself attracted to. She seems nice, and she's really cute. The problem is, I'm just not sure how to ask her for her number, or start a good conversation...


Another thing, is it a bad idea to even attempt to get involved with someone who works at your bank (has access to look at your accounts, how much money you make, etc...)


Thanks in advance for any responses!

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Well, you're 20. If you're in college, then you make the same amount as most other people in college which is usually around $0 per year. Well, negative if you include student loans. It's not a big deal. And if she cares, then you know that she isn't right for you.


As to how to talk to her... maybe go to her counter when it's an empty time of day, and ask her (after you, whatever, withdraw $20 or whatever), if she'd like to get a cup of coffee with you during her break.


If she is interested, she'll tell you when she can meet you, or maybe tell you another good time to meet. If she says something like, "oh, we don't have breaks" and looks uncomfortable, I wouldn't bother with her anymore.



Good luck!!!

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Walk up to her and tell her that you would like to withdraw a million dollars, and that you would like that in all ones if possible. Watch her reaction, paying close attention to her body language. After laughing it off, conduct your transaction, and get out of there. She won't forget you. You just set yourself up for the next time you see her.


Next time you see her, make small talk . . .ask her a few brief questions about herself, and learn something about her. Develop a sort of business relationship with her. Also, pay attention to her body language, as that will tell you whether or not she's attracted to you, open to your ideas and buying what you're saying. After a couple pleasant encounters with her, ask her if she wants to "hang out" sometime. Finally, get her digits, and get out of there.

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Well, you're 20. If you're in college, then you make the same amount as most other people in college which is usually around $0 per year. Well, negative if you include student loans. It's not a big deal. And if she cares, then you know that she isn't right for you.


As to how to talk to her... maybe go to her counter when it's an empty time of day, and ask her (after you, whatever, withdraw $20 or whatever), if she'd like to get a cup of coffee with you during her break.


If she is interested, she'll tell you when she can meet you, or maybe tell you another good time to meet. If she says something like, "oh, we don't have breaks" and looks uncomfortable, I wouldn't bother with her anymore.



Good luck!!!


This is what I'm afraid of... I'm one of the few that work my butt off, and go to school at the same time... and make a lot of money =(.


It just scares me that she would have access to all that information as she wishes... I'm assuming she probably has access to my social security number as well?

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Well, what are you going to do? She can see it, that's fine. Whatever. Are you afraid that she'd like you only because of your money? Your other option is just to forget about her, which it doesn't seem like you're going to do anytime soon.


I like Chai's suggestions - chit chat a little first - see how she reacts towards you.

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I agree with annie about the money thing. It's a fact though she does have way more information from the beginning, than say, any other stranger girl you'd meet off the street. I can see part of your question. The money thing, if it is at all, shouldn't be a problem though. goodluck

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You only live once brotherman..................only two kind of people on this earth, those that do, and those that don't. You may choose to look for reasons why this is a bad idea, or you may choose to look at reasons why this is a good idea. She can look at all your bank stuff............good, many men in this world will go to great lengths to conceal, how little or how much money they have.............in fact situations arising from money disagreements are the leading cause of divorce in the U.S. Your starting with the biggest problem couples have, and casting it aside at the beginning. Best thing to do, is what the gentleman said earlier be aloof, make her laugh, develop a bond..............,man your already a step ahead of everyone else who has a secret crush..................you can see her when ever you want.........and have a perfectly good excuse to do so. Once again if you get closer, it will melt her heart when you tell her the reason you came to the bank everyday was to see her.




two kinds of people man, those who do, and those who don't.....................

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