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My Guy Friend Has Completely Abandoned Me.

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I'll try and make a long a story short, I became really close friends awith this guy and he confessed his feelings and tha he saw me as more than a friend. I said I saw him as a friend, and everything was okay, friends again. For a while he still showed that he liked me, but I didn't lead him on or anything.


I get a phone call last week and he wants advice on this girl he likes...I feel flattered and all, but at the same time, I'm like crushed. So I tried to fake being happy for him and I was like, "Yeah yeah ask her out!" But I really wasn't. For the past 4 days, he hasn't said one word to me...I don't even get a, "Hi!" when I wave. Instead he runs off and flirts with that girl.


I have no problem with him going out with her, but I'm sure I'll get over it. The thing is I hate that he completely just doesn't talk to me anymore, I don't even get a wave. He just completely ignores me. As for now, I'm gonna act like I never noticed this if he does talk to me...and I keep telling myself he is not a true friend if he's doing this to you.


Input? Advice? please.



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