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So I finally find someone here who likes me for who I am, and then I go and mess it all up.

We were at a party and I got really drunk (im not using that for an excuse at all, I had no place doing what I did) and I went around and talked a load of you know what on my bf. We went home and he was really angry, he said he wasn't but he was. the last 2 days it's been so different, I said how sorry I was, I swore never to drink again, and I forgave him for some stuff he did that im really not ok with.

so just now we are sitting out on the bench and im like why are you being so odd, and he just starts swearing and all that great fun stuff. So I backed off, shut up and just sat there, and he's all you know I just don't want a relationship anymore. so I was mad and like ok you could have told me that yesterday when you started acting like this, I was like i told you how sorry I was, I can't make up for that and im sorry, and i turned around and started to walk away so I would't cry in front of him. and he's like so what you're gonna walk off like a little baby?


What was I suppost to do, I stood there and tried to talk to him. Now I haven't like become really emotionally attatched to him yet but I do really like him so far and I feel sad that because of one night he wants to break it off.


any opionions would be nice.

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I hope so, I just wish I could get him to see how sorry I am, I'm not the type of person that goes behind backs and talks loads. If I think something I'm usually even a little shy to tell that person, so I wish he would just forgive me but it doesn't look like that will be happening. .

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He is just angry and upset over you hurting him. he really wants you to make it up to him. because by showing your interest in him he can feel secure about you wanted him and liking him.


Don't walk away though, thats like telling him he doesn't have a right to be upset, which he did, thats like telling him his feelings aren't important, so just let him say what he needs to get out, tell him your sorry again, and show him affection even if he acts a bit cold at first, when he has convinced himself that your sincere (through your actions of caring) he will put this behind him.


He didn't bring it up at first because he was holding it in, and trying to brush it aside, its actually better he let it out, even if it was two days later, some people hold onto things for years then they just snap, leave and you never know why.

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