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what does it feel like to be loved?

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I've taken step towards getting closer to women. Hell, I've had coffee with a girl, I talk with people, greet them. I just, I don't want a relationship for the reasons a lot of other guys seem to. Not for sex, not to spend all hours of the day and night with. I just want somebody to hold me and tell me that it'll all be alright. I don't know what it feels like to be in love or be loved. I know it takes time and I know I gotta keep doing what I've been doing. And I know it'll take time, but I don't end up 30 or 40 and never know what love feels like. And hell, I'm almost 20. and I've never been in a relationship. I've danced with a girl once. I don't have many close friends. I mean I get along with people and I have 3 close friends. Some nights though, I just want to sit next to or lie next to someone and put my arms around them. Why is so damn hard?! Why do some people seem to have such an easy time of it? I'm reasonably attractive. I'm confidant most of the time, it's only some nights that I need to take a few minutes to collect myself. I keep telling people in posts that "if someone just walked up to us and threw their arms around us and said 'I love you' that it wouldn't be as rewarding." But hell, if someone did that for me, or even just said that they liked me, it would make a world of difference. Oh man, would it make me feel good. It's like I've said on som eposts. All humans are driven and thus NEED 3 things: Friendship, Love and accomplishment. They're all connected but not a single one can replace another.


Alcohol's a bitc*. It really is tru that it only enhances how you're feeling when you drink; it doesn't make you happy all the time. Shi* I wish I had somebody to chill with. But it's Friday night, and that means time to spend all by myself. and since nothing's happening on campus...


I've droned on for too long. all comments are welcome and appreciated.



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All humans are driven and thus NEED 3 things: Friendship, Love and accomplishment.


Always like reading you're posts, find them extremely interesting, especially this bit. Never quite thought of life in those terms but since you've wrote it, all very true. All aspects are laid somewhere between the borders of those three.


Back to the topic at hand more so, during those earlier years between 18-20ish the men that are more logical seem to have a harder time finding women. It seems to be the mindset hasn't quite matured on a good deal of people and until then they're thinking in "We only have one life to live" terms and make it as hard and fast driven as possible.


Right now a majority of my female friends and acquaintances aren't geared towards the gentleman, they are after the bad boys and jerks because, eh, its not going to last so might as well have it while you can. They also seem prone to picking up anything they can, drop one, got another. I can't understand that mindset myself but if that floats their boat...


The idea you've created about relationships is a golden one and nonetheless rare at such an age it seems. If I was straight, I'd personally be out looking for a man who had that outlook, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks a decent man is a good thing (relationship or friendship), there are single women I know which you would be perfect in their mind relationship idea wise, they're just harder to find if you're looking in the same age range and most often have the highest standards.


Only thing I can truly say is, step back and observe. Sometimes we get so caught up in lifes whirlpool as I like to call it, we miss the vitals. Love may take awhile but if you keep your line of sight clear, it'll all pay off in the end. Just from reading, I can't honestly see you going so many years without love in life (being 30 or 40), instead of you finding, maybe someone else may instead find you and it will work out that way. I guess in a way, instead of just looking straight ahead, keep an eye on the back and sides helps too.


Not every woman is brave enough to approach a man even if she does like him. The more confident women aren't always the best (Nothing against confidant women, I've did enough approaching over the years but just making a very generalized statement, not stereotype) Life is interesting because I've known so many people who in the end were attracted to each other on a certain level but never spoke up and once they came to a point where there was no chance between them, they found out it was mutual.


But it's Friday night, and that means time to spend all by myself. and since nothing's happening on campus...

Heh, sounds like my evening. At this rate people can ask "What did you do Friday evening?" - "Spent quality time with the computer, for lack of better company, it never talks back or complains."

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you sound so sensere.

i really understand you.

but i want to tell you one thing...

this people that you've mentioned...

believe me...

they dont have anything special (something which i HOPE i am wrong about)

but truly speaking...people go in anf out of relations like its nothing.

i dont think its right.

and i feel that you look in fact for something more deep.

from someone to come and say just like that i love you...

sounds for me more like a dream these days...sadly.

i myself find it very hard to find true and deep people...

and the feeling of loneliness just grow...

but then...

if we are trying just to be good in what we are already in

and as who we already are

this chance would once come,

big time,

and then we should just do all we can not to miss it.

but if you feel so deeply unloved,

try to love the world more.

love just comes back to you...

in fact, as i see it, it just arose in us once we let it flow from us.

means...that it doesnt really come back to us, but more that its just in us but get life and power.

so just love the world,

be a lover,

be in love,

you dont need someone...

you could be in love to a beautiful tree,

to the street

to the people...

to anyone whom you dont even know...

be a lover with the world,

the world will love you.

something good always happens for those who are in love,

so be in love,

in love to life.


it doesnt mean you need to win something to be happy and loving,

or to have a new girlfriend...or whatever.

not at all.

just wake up,

and be happy.

and go to life happy.

in all means you could imagine.

trust me something will change.

you will find what you mean.

i truly think you are deep in your feelings.

let the love go from you by all manifistations...

true accomplishment is just a metter of time and place...

to be on the right ones....

is something the heart always knows...


just live in love,

and things will change for you.

help someone...

pass this sweet old lady...

she is so sweet.......never be shy.

be loving.

you get all you wish.

believe me.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Being loved is knowing that:


no matter what is going on, he'll be there.

no matter who is around, he'll see you first.

no matter how far away you are, he still thinks about you.

no matter how angry you both get, he still smiles and tells you he loves you before you leave.

no matter how pitiful you look, he's still happy to see you.

no matter how sick you are, he's there to help you.

wondering if you'll ever love him as much as he loves you.

knowing that you could wake up to him with an extra 40 pounds and bald spots and know that you still love him.

knowing that you could wake up with an extra 40 pounds and bald spots and he'd still love you.

Being loved is having someone love everything about you, especially those things that everyone else hated.

Being loved is knowing that you can always call him, regardless of what time it is or why you want to call.


I'm stuck with a long distance relationship, so mine may be a little skewed towards that. But tha'ts what being loved feels like.

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Loving someone is an extreme form of positive empathy. When someone you love feels happy, you feel happy for them. When someone you love feels sad, you feel sad for them. Their emotional state and well being affects you profoundly.


Being in love with someone is an emotion where someone profoundly affects your emotional state. You're euphoric when you're in their presense and things are going well. You're morose when you're not in their presense or when you're there but they don't care if you're there or not.

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Mae_May, where did you get that list from? That's EXACTLY right!


When someone loves us, we just know, because all of their actions show it. There is no doubt in our mind that this person will always be there. There is no doubt that the person who loves us, loves us unconditionally. Anyway, for those who do have someone who truly loves them, don't let that person go. Cherish the relationship while it lasts, because a love like that truly is a once in a lifetime.

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Loving someone is an extreme form of positive empathy. When someone you love feels happy, you feel happy for them. When someone you love feels sad, you feel sad for them. Their emotional state and well being affects you profoundly.


Yes. Empathy is the foundation of so called 'love'. Love is different for everyone, but I believe there are universals: empathy and respect. Others would argue for safety and I wouldn't disagree with them.


Being in love with someone is an emotion where someone profoundly affects your emotional state. You're euphoric when you're in their presense and things are going well. You're morose when you're not in their presense or when you're there but they don't care if you're there or not.


I don't think this is love. This may be what they call being "in love". I don't want to offend you, but manic depression is not an ideal representation of love in my opinion. These feelings and most likely to be experienced while in the honeymoon phase not a long-term matured relationship.

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