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So I finished talking to my new EX. Trust me on this, I was near perfect. (I would say perfect, but im not conceded/ignorant like that) I listened (ALOT), made her laugh, cared about her daily life, learned about all her friends, cheered her up when she was down, and supported her when no one, even herself, thought she could do it.


And now after she broke it off, she says I was self absorbed. She says that I never listened or paid attention to anything (I can recall just about everything we talked about and what she wore on all our dates) (I can never remember what I wore the day before).


Please just ONE woman confirm that not all women are like this. I suddenely realised why gays love their life style after talking to the EX.

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Not all women are like that.


Distance yourself from her and see other people.


When I say distance; I mean accross the world! She seemed like the self-absorbed one to me.




we practically are 8000 miles apart. She's gone to college in Utah while im here in UK. but she returns for christmas and summer.

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They're called "excuses." It makes her feel better to place the guilt of the breakup on you. She wanted to leave for whatever reason, but it would feel wrong if she didn't some how make it seem like you were treating her badly. Don't sweat it, and be lucky she isn't stringing you along, that always hurts more.

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