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miss her lots im strong and weak what is she doing

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I miss my ex,


im strong with N/C, dont want to contact her, want her to contact me.


Its been 5 months 1 week since split and no contact from her, me N/C for about 3months.


can anyone re-assure me with at least some stories of post 5months good news LOL


I am getting over the fact that I dont want to contact her anymore and only want her to make the effort.


I cannot stop my mind from making up scenarios, wot is she doing, who with etc wish I could stop these thoughts.

I am trying to tell myself she probably is thinking the same.............. whether it makes a difference or not, still nice to think she is.

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You made it 3 months without contacting her and that is something you should be proud of. Most people don't even make it past the 1st week.


I don't think that it is impossible for her to contact you, because anything can happen. Sometimes things take a little longer to happen than others. One of my ex's contacted me after a year and a half, so keep your head up. If she doesn't contact you, then its her loss, not yours.

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Guys act different than girls. It's a done deal in this case.


What do you mean exactly? Did you mean that a guy is more likely to call you out of the blue some number of months later (after a while of NC)? For whatever reason -- maybe he realizes he misses you, or has seen a few people and realize they don't measure up to you, etc. Regardless of exactly why, in what you said above, the person who broke up is doing the calling, right? The dumpee decided to do NC to try and move on, then the dumper calls whatever amount of time later. You're saying guys or girls are more likely to do this as the dumper?

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Hey scorchio, read the following blog I put up on myspace today....


So Life is funny sometimes. It throws you huge curve balls every once in a while and there are times when you are able to battle and there are times when you strike out.


Well remember if you ever strike out, you will always get another chance to bat. Life does not end when you strike out, unless you get hit in the head and die from a brain anurism lol.


God like to close one door but he always opens another door. You have 3 choices.


1. Keep trying to open the closed door, but the harder you try, the harder it will be to open until it just disappears.


2. Stay in the room you are in, stay in limbo, dont move on, hoping one day that door will open up again. Become the proverbial "Loser".


3. You can go through the new door that just opened into the unknown. You will be surprised what is waiting for you on the other side so take that step.


Remember, you can never go back to the past. The past is the past. Let it be and be happy you had such great memories. Those memories were created b/c you enjoyed life. GO AND ENJOY LIFE.



Scorchio, you are sitting in the room hoping the door will open. STOP. Go through the new door that God opened for you. I know its hard but do it and go out and enjoy life.

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