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My girlfriend wants bigger breasts

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Ok here is the poblem my girlfriend really wants bigger breasts, and admitedly they arnt big. But I lover her just the way she is and tell her she does not need anything done to them. But she thinks life is a competition and says that her breasts are on show and when someone has bigger than hers she feels insecure. She hates to wear low cut tops because of this and everything. And anyway she has seen these pills advertised in a magazine for a special offer of £200 a pot.

1. Do these things even work.

2. She only 17 she should wait dont u think.

3. IS there anyway I can convince her she dont need them.

4. Should I let her go ahead and waste that kinda mone (which she dont really have spare) on breast enlargement pills.

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It's not uncommon for a woman to be insecure about her chest size - be they bigger or smaller.


I would tell her not to buy the pills - for one, they are not regulated, so who knows WHAT is in them that could affect her or have bad reactions.

If someone has something bigger she is envious? Sounds like she needs to work on her own self esteem and insecurities first of all - if I had a bigger nose, would she want that too?


They may mess with her hormones, or cause allergic reactions - if they do cause anything to grow - it would likely be due to water weight/hormones/or causing weight gain. Your breast size is genetically determined as well as dependent on your body weight - you can't by pill alter their makeup - they are mostly glandular tissue and fat - pills cannot alter that.


She is still young, breasts are still developing.


Women have breasts of all different sizes and shapes - if hers are smaller, she can wear more fun low tops without worrying about popping out, or support, or showing bra straps! I envy her!


Let her know you LOVE her breasts as they are, they are beautiful and perfect.


When she is OLDER aka done growing and she is truly bothered, she can consult with a plastic surgeon, but she does need to wait until she is done growing.

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Yes, ditto to everything RayKay said.


The pills aren't regulated. I know what you're talking about, and we've had similar discussions on this board before. Let's face it: if they really worked, plastic surgeons would be out of business! There's no scientific evidence that they work - the scientific studies cited are general in nature, not specifically showing that the pills work to enlarge breasts.


Besides, she's still growing. She may fill out in the next few years. Any competent surgeon would tell her at 17, she's too young. If she's still really unhappy with her body in a few years, then she could get the procedure done then.


In the meantime, you're being a very good boyfriend It's nice to see she has someone who is so supportive of her.

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cheers thanks, and yer thats just the tip of the iceburg she soooo insequre about alot of her body. For example her weight (she is not the smallest of ladies) and her ankles and her face. But I love her for what she is not what she looks like, and in my opinion I find her attractive anyway. So basicaly you say I should keep up with what im saying. And thanks for your support.

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Her body and breasts will continue to develop until she is in her early to mid twenties, so try to talk to her and if she needs to see her MD bring her and he can tell her the same thing.


The pills do not work, as Ray Kay said, they are not FDA regulated so the company can make whatever statements they wish (and you should note that there will be an asterick * with a statement saying that the statements are not evaluated by the FDA) and they do not even have to list all the ingredients in them, a dangerous and risky thing to take something you know nothing about.


Any GOOD surgeon would tell your gf that she was way too young to make a decision about breast implants, and that she needs to give her body time. If she reaches her late twenties and nothing has changed, she can make a decision then, but hopefully with age and maturity comes a sense of being comfortable in her own body and leanning to love it the way it is.


You are a good boyfriend, keep it up!

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i also want to increase my chest size. but i am completely flat chested, and would be happy just to have a bit to make me feel more femanine. if she has small boobs then they are probably proportional to her body anyway and she's probably slim?! being larger may look out of proportion. I think she ought to be happy with what she has, unless she's completely flat like me!! also sh'es only 17, she may still grow. one of my friends didn't start to develope breasts until she was 18 and i think they can still grow up until we are about 20 and also change in size when we get older and also if we put on weight. i however am still waitng for something to happen to mine! lol well i've given up hope, but am thinking of breast augmentation, but if i had a handfull i'd be happy .

if she had her breasts done, she might go on to the next thing at bothered her. also bet she looks elegant with small boobs. do you like theM???tell her make her feel at ease with her body. she's only 17, she could wait until she's older to think about things. I'm gona wait few years to see if i feel any diff, if i don't i might go 4 it and have an augmentaion. But if she already has boobs and isn't actually as flat as a guy then i think she oughta be happy an lucky with what she has!


Sugar x

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