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Sent email by accident, is this a "slip" or do I l


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Hey guys!


I have been good with No Contact the last month....however I sent out a

mass email with whoever was on my address list inviting them to come out tonight because I am interested in doing stand up...I invited them out to see me. It was a very lighthearted email....actually I probably "spoke"

in a way the ex does not know me..LOL. Meaning I was being MYSELF. HE didn;t reply but he DID read it. I am just wondering if that may have been

a bad thing on my part..or maybe he needed to see that side of me?



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definitely a great thing you did i think! Means that you are being yourself and you are being grown up enough to show him that your not going out your way to exclude him in your mass emails. If he replies and asks why you invited him out, just say that exactly what you did, that you sent a email to everyone and if he wanted to go he could. It shows true maturity

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HAHAHA..NOOOO this was not an email directed at HIM....I actually included his name by mistake....but what the heck, it happened. I'm not apologizing for it.

Yeah this was the email...

Anyone who knows me knows I am a comedy freak.....sooooooo I am letting you all know I will in fact be at the Improv tomorrow night....yes onstage. I did open mic a few weeks ago and no one threw tomatoes or fruit at me...which to ME is always a positive

Dear god why do I like attempting to do things that make most people shiznet in their pants?

A sidenote: I am working out again..and for the love of GOD I am in pain!!

Just thought I'd share....

Anyway.. come out tomorrow! leave the fruit at home!


So definetly no mushy stuff there..lol

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Thats what i meant...its good that its totally just about you and nothing mushy mushy! What i meant about showing maturity is that he'll know that you are past that angry place where things are weird and that you havent went out your way to exclude his name in the mass email, instead you just sent it to everyone. He'll be able to see its a mass email aswell coz all the other names you sent it too will come up. He'll know that it wasnt directly for him x

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Why thank you coolsome (BOWING) LOL.


Just being myself...and you know what....I realized I am COMPLETELY different when I email him. I am guarded, I am straight laced...."ladylike"...forget THAT! Maybe THAT'S the problem..I was not even being who I am! That in itself is stressful. So...if he doesn't like who I really AM, then too bad. I am happier being ME..the funny, goofy me.

Who knows..maybe he WANTED me to be funnier and goofier?lol


Oh and thanks for the "good luck"....I will let you all know how it goes.

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It could look that your trying to indirectly show him what you're doing in your life and that can come accross as childish rather than mature. Do you normally send out mass emails about your stand-up nites. If not then it looks bad. What are the chances of him coming to this nite? Why would he spend a fun nite with a girl he split up with a month ago!! It looks like your saying look at all the people who be having fun with me and you can't come cos your my ex and it be uncomfortable but I put you on the email so you know what you're missing !! - Jus my 2 cents........

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Hi I thought this too, and this is only my second time performing , so no it's not normally something I send mail out about.

I added his name without thinking first..but I am not going to point that out to him because then he will ASSUME I deliberatley emailed him.

You are right though about ONE thing....YEAH I want him to know how fun I really AM....and that I am doing fun things regardless of him NOT being a part of it. So in that aspect I don't thk I'm being immature..I think I am moving on, and if he finds out about it "indirectly"..so be it. He has a "delete" button if he doesn't want to know about it. If he chooses to read it, that's on him, isn't it?

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He will think that you have done it deliberately and will assume that you are trying to make him jealous. Question: If you have or are moving on why do you need to let him know that you having fun etc? Not sure if he is your first guy but you wouldn't email other exes and say what you're doing because probably they don't care and you don't care whether they know or not and that how you should feel if you have moved on. This guy opinion is still important to you I feel......

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Funny you should mention this..because ACTUALLY an ex IM'ed me last night out of the blue and I told HIM about my show.

I have no ulterior motives..but I DO care what this guy thinks of me. Of course I do. I am not revolving my life around that though. I am not denying I still have feelings for him. I never said that. I have NEVER tried to make him jealous..period. If that's how he perceives it, then he is way off base. I personally don't see how me MASS emailing a group of people about my comedy act could possibly provoke jealousy..but maybe I am missing something. I doubt it though.


The way I see it is...it happened. If he read it it's because he wanted to. I didn't force him to and I did nothng to provoke a response from him..or anyone for that matter. It was merely an announcement to a group of friends, inviting them out. Period. I fail to see the issue here.

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Echo - you know him better than me so you know if how he would react just saying the way I see it.A person who has been an ex for a month is still sensistive. When people split up they analyse everything the way the relationship was, what the person is thinking and what they say when contact is made, for this reason I think he will make an issue of it even though its an accident.


Do you want him to come to your comedy nite? If not and he knows that you wouldn't want him there then it looks like you're trying to make him jealous.


If you split from someone it means you don't want to see them if you're only contact is to invite them (deliberately in his opinion) to an event that he couldn't possibly attend then it means only one thing.


From your point of view you done nothing wrong as it was an accident and but he'll see it different but like you said you've moved on so its not an issue


One thing I don't agree with is people that group exes especially recent ones under the heading friends like cos we're friends I can treat you like my friends and tell you stuff that may not be what you need to hear....Having said that enjoy your night....!!!

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I think we got way off topic here....


My initial question was to ask if I may or may not have messed up by sending the email with my ex included in it. Not to dissect my intentions on WHY I sent it...or if he would come.

I don't EXPECT him to come. I am also not concerned about it.

I want to do well tonight and I intend to.

I will make a conscience effort to make sure he is not added to any more of my emails I send out, so I can avoid this altogether ....

Thanks for all the replies!

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I think its great that your doing comedy and

improv at that. Working out is great to its

really made me feel good throught the worst

of times.


But personally if I got that email as an ex

and it included a note on how i've been working

out as well as about my show I would have serious

red flags raised. Thats just my opinion you know

him best be carefull and truly honest with yourself

about your intentions.


Who knows maybe it will work in your favor.


One thing I know is to be kind and forgiving

of yourself through this process and during

these times.

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Echo . . . you did not mess up . The NC was broken , but in a sense it was not . From what you have said , the email was not directed towards him . It's just a mass email sent to a bunch of other people and he was on that list as well .


Not the above answers your original question . The below . . . well . . .


Are you over this guy ? ? ? I wonder because you said you WANT him to see that you are having fun without him . And also the part about you working out again . I know this might sound strange but MAYBE subconsciously you included him in the email and mentioned the working out thing . . .

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Man oh man I got myself in a doozy on this one. lol

The comment I made about working out wasn;t directed towards him or anyone..at the writing of that email I was in pain all over and I just included it as a sidenote...just threw it in there for "conversation" sake. Hell maybe I was looking for sympathy ....lol..

But HEY if he took notice..all the better

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The way I see it is...it happened.


Just curious, was this really an accident or was it curiosity on your part to see what he'd do?


No one would blame you as you still have feelings for him and maybe thought baiting him would make something happen....


Just wondering how accidental it really was.

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Well I wouldn't say it was an "accident"....more of an oversight.

I have a list of people I just automatically add on my mass email lists, and he is on it. I should have deleted him from it but I don;t sends many mass emails so it didn't cross my mind.

Now that I SENT it I am wondering if HE thinks it was a ploy..but to answer your question, no I didn;t do it to get a reaction.

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hmmmmmmm c;mon.............seriously...........


remer i am only givin u my opinion, i dont mea to be rude or offensive but if you are looking for answers as to what ur ex may think of this i will tell u what i think, n would htink if i was him..........and that is that u DIDNT not mean to send this to him, this whole email was for him, ESPECIALLY the bit about working out again, cmon out of EVERYTHIN in the world the one lil sid note u put in there just HAPPENED to be somethng that is about u bettering yourself and it just HAPPENED to be the ex who u ACCIDENTLY sent this to.........


hey we've all been there n done it, dont be shy if this is what happened



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Hey all..last night went well....

Not a stellar performance but it went OK. I had a lot of fun.


To the last poster...actually I could care less what he thinks about me contacting him. I have gotten a lot of feedback from almost everyone I contacted about my show...and honestly right now I am too happy to care what he may or may NOT think...


So that's where I stand now

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