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typical post -- finding a girl


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Sorry for being a little lengthy on a pretty much redundant post... but...


So I'm now a sophomore in college, and have yet to have had a girlfriend, and for that matter have yet to have made out with a girl. I've had several interests, which resulted in getting turned down to just be friends.


I'm a pretty nice guy, especially to girls. I often notice that guys who are jerks to girls, get them. I also know that I'm pretty attractive, too, so I know that's not really an issue.


I'm pretty sociable, too. I'm quiet but not too shy, I'll certainly talk to someone if they start talking to me, and sometimes I'll start up conversations with people I don't know. I can have good conversations with girls, as long as they're interested in talking to me.


On a sort of related subject, I'm a pretty talented photographer. People always compliment me on my talent, lots of girls, too, and without trying to sound conceited (I really am not that way, I'm just trying to give a background), I wonder, why wouldn't a girl want to be with someone like me? I tend to like girls that have character and have something really special about them rather than just being really hot (though I do like them to be attractive), so I wonder why wouldn't they want the same? Is it that I'm just not good at playing the game? Lol, I guess instead of spreading my talents accross the board, it was placed into brains and photography, leaving practically nothing left in the "getting girls" category. Though I know the answers I think, I guess I'm just looking for that push by people telling me what I already know. Feedback is appreciated, nevertheless.

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From your msg, it sounds like you're trying too hard to impress. Girls like guys who are authentic. So always be yourself, and ask your guy friends or girl friends what your flaws might be. We all have them. Maybe you're too stuck-up or have too high standards; I don't know.


If you're really a catch, you don't have to show off that you're a real catch. Girls will know. They gossip like crazy, so when one girl likes a guy, she tells all her friends, and they like you too.

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They gossip like crazy, so when one girl likes a guy, she tells all her friends, and they like you too.


I watched that movie Fever Pitch last night, and the same thing happened. After he started dating her, she and her friends were gossiping about him all the time. I never watched the show, but it reminds me of something that would happen in Sex and the City.


And yes, I definitely agree with wildone1, being yourself is very important. If you aren't, she'll realize it sooner or later. I'm 18 and am girlfriend-less, date-less, etc... always optimistic though, and am always present my true self to a girl I am interested in.


Good luck man!


P.S. Learn to flirt (if you haven't) and read her body language when she's around you. That helps a lot in building rapport with a girl.

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Its the curse us dudes have. That time comes and you get frusterated/confused/bummed/sad/selfconsious/whatever about not havin a girl.


Seriously, just have patience. All it takes is for one girl to come along and youll forget you ever felt this way. Theres nothing you can do to stop it from happening and theres nothing you can do to make it happen faster. Enjoy your time right now and soon enough youll be sleepin next to a nice female.


P.S. Most importantly, we could pick apart your 'game' or presense around females - but it doesnt matter. So long as your not too crazy you eventually get in a relationship with someone. Dont dwell on reasons why you may or may not be with someone. Its just the times. Times change and youll have a girl before too long. Having patience is hard though, so i feel ya bro.

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From experience, girls do not like genuine guys, even if they say so. If that was the truth, all the good honest guys would have women all over them. But you said it yourself they like the jerks, or guys that are not really interested in them. Also, are you very selective in who you talk to, you know like the attractive women.


Hint: talk to a bunch of women, but do not show too much interest in them. and do not be super nice, take it down a few notches. date just anyone girl, she does not have to be attractive. after that you will start to see women wanting you more. it happened to me about 3 months ago, and the women i ignored most wanted me more than my current gf, with whom I am about to break up with. i was too nice to her.


also, if you are goodlooking sometimes some women think you have a gf, and are scared off. i dont think i am all that, but have been told by a few women that i am handsome or goodlooking.


good luck.

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There is no one true defintion of attractive.Life is too short to be stringing girls along when you're really not attracted to them. Bindera25 can date whoever he chooses. As another poster said all it takes is patience and the right situation, regardless of how "attractive" the girl is, rejection still has the same odds as a coin flip.

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I think that sometimes there is no one big reason for something. It may be that a particular circumstance is due to the accumulation of many factors, each one by itself to trivial and small to be taken seriously, but as a whole having a great effect. Well, you might say, how likely is that to be happening to me? Well, I would say, there five billion people in the world so even though it's unlikely it might well be happening to someone, and that someone just happeneds to be you. I think the same is true for me. I can't think of a good reason why I've been alone for all my adult life, it just seems to be fate, and since I don't believe in fate I attribute it to small factors and probability.

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