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Just tell me everything will be alright

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It's only 5 days til my boyfriend and my 1-yr anniversary and I've spent weeks working on something special for him. He's in his last year of college and with that, that means a lot of time has to be dedicated to the books. Well, We both leave the house around 730am and since he has night classes, I don't get to see him until around 10pm and just overall, I've missed the time we shared and the intimacy. Lately things have come up that his parents or boss have asked him to do on the weekends which is usually my time to spend with him. I guess I'm posting because it's Friday and I'm just depressed because I miss my boyfriend even when he IS sitting right next to me when he gets home or when he's laying next to me in bed.


So for anyone who reads this, just tell me that everything's going to be fine. I don't want to feel like this on my anniversary. I was so siked about it weeks ago but as the day nears, I'm only getting more and more depressed because I don't think he's planning on doing anything since last night he mentioned that he has an exam the day after that he's got to prepare for.


I mean, sometimes it feels like he's just a roommate, but I truly miss how things were when we first met. But back then, we weren't living together and his schedule was a little more flexible but whatever. I just need some good luck wishes thrown my way. Have a great day. Thanks.

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One thing I like about what you said is that you understand why your bf is busy and you're not coming off as needy. It's perfectly fine to feel the way you feel - anyone would. Believe it or not, it can be a good thing. During this time he's busy, it builds tension in your relationship. Then, when you do get to spend time with you that tension is released. Also, as a result of getting limited time with your bf you will naturally value that time with him, more.


Your relationship with your bf is still relatively new. So long as you don't come off as needy and are able to adjust to his schedules (and your own), everything will be good.

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Thank you both for your replies. The last thing I want to do is jeopardize anything we've got and to be like "No, you have to be here with me right now!" would just be stupid and that's not me. I guess it's just the little things that one can do that make my day... such as just a simple phonecall to say "I Love you" or a random kiss just because. Things like that... and yeah, tension is built up all day and it's such a stress reliever when he comes home and walks through the door, arms open for a "I missed you" hug.

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I'm only getting more and more depressed because I don't think he's planning on doing anything since last night he mentioned that he has an exam the day after that he's got to prepare for.


He may not be able to do anything big on the actual day of your anniversary due to his exam. But I'm sure he'll acknowledge it.


I dated my husband through both undergraduate and graduate school there were times when he felt very neglected. Sometimes he would just sit there and stare at me study- that used to annoy me to no end- then I realized it was only because he missed me.


If there'soemthingyou want to tell him, leave him a little note in his books that he'll see whe nhe goes to class. My husband used to do that and I thought it was the sweetest thing in the world- it had me smiling for the whole day. He knows you love him- and it sounds like he misses you too.


If he has an exam the next day- you can still make the anniversary night special- maybe not by Hollywood standards- btu you can still do it. Order out some food- take it home- light a candle and ask him if there's anything you can do to help- like quiz him...to get him prepare for the exam. (If you wanted to add some spice to it- correct answers could be rewarded physically )


Your relationship will be fine- you'll just need to do a little adapting.


This is his last year- soon all the hard work will pay off an he'll have more time to himself. I must admit when I was finally done with school- it was so wonderful to have the weekends to myself and my relationship definitely improved simply because we had more tiem together.


Hang in there -it will all be just fine,



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