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How Do I Get Over Them?


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This might be a silly question, but how long does it take to get over someone, or in my case, two people? I was involved with a guy called Phil for about six months and it was a messy ending. Then his brother and I rushed into something but we know it will never work out because we have nothing in common except for huge sparks of attraction. I have been split up with Phil for a year, and his brother 8 months. I don't want to be with these guys but I still find myself thinking of them lots. It doesn't help that I keep bumping into them and the sparks are still there for us all! I just find it irritating to keep thinking of them. I have been on dates since and started to like another guy, but that didn't really go anywhere, but I just don't want to think about them at all, but at the same time I enjoy thinking of them.


How long will it take for me to not think of them at all?

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i don't think you will ever stop thinking about them completley. Some people come into your life and make an impression on you... I still think about exs from highschool... still think about my ex from 4 years ago... and from 1 year ago.. you will always remember the exs that mattered to you... eventually instead of a longing to get back together, the memories will turn into a fondness.... you'll remember the good times and smile... at least thats how it is for me...

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I left my husband whom i was in a marriage with for 5 years, it was bad. I rushed right into something that I thought was the one forever you know. He left me two weeks ago, and Im in the middle of divorcing my husband. I find myself missing my husband, but only because im missing my boyfriend. These things happen, We search for ways to make ourselves feel better, and end up feeling worse.

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