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What is she doing???


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Hi, every1!


Ok so here is my problem. At school there is this girl whom I've liked for a couple of months now. Now she just moved here before summer break, like a couple of months before. Well I really like her, and she really likes me back, or should I say liked me back. Before summer break, she would constantly look at me and I at her. When in the caffetorium she would keep looking at me. I noticed that she looked at me whenever she had a chance to do it with out me catching her. Also I think she told her friends about me too. Sometimes when I see her friends, they would smile at me. And sometimes when she is sitting with her friends talking, she would ask her friend something, then her friend would look at me and then look back at her and nod. Also I take the bus to school and back, and she would often go by the bus stop after school. And before school she would try to go by the bus stop at the same time as the bus comes. So um it doesn't take a genius to figure out that she likes me. Well I didn't want to approach her to quickly, I mean she just moved here. So i've decided to ask her after summer was over and when we go back to school (guess I'm a coward huh?). So anyways, now that school started I think she is trying to either avoid me or forget me. She rarely comes to dine at the caffetorium anymore. I never see her in the mourning, when the bus comes, and I never see her after school. Well actually I did see her one time at lunch, and that time she still looked at me as she did before. Whenever I see her in the hallway she does everything she used to do before. But yet she never comes with the bus anymore. I'm just woundering is she trying to forget me? Or is she playing hard to get? I got some advice on this from a very wise friend. He said something about some sort of a effect or phenomenon or something like that. In other words what he said is this; (now he hasn't talked to her and it's only his assumption) Before summer break she and I were really upset that we weren't going to see eachother for three whole months. And just those last couple of weeks of school she would try to come with the bus, and get as much chances to see me as much as possible. And you only remember the good things in life. So during the summer I only thought about those last few weeks, and now it seems like she was always like that. So what he is saying is that she hasn't really changed, it's just that I'm used to her looking at me like she will never see me again. And to be honest I can't really remember how she acted before. Those last couple of weeks seem to overflood my memory. While I'm thinking that she's either playin hard to get, or maybe she's forgotten me. But then again she still looks at me, and tries to avoid me catching her. She doesn't have a boyfriend. From what I see I'd say she still likes me. So um advice please.


wow this is long.


Thanks in advance.

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well have you spoke to her yet ? now i don't mean have you asked her out yet . Have you said Hi , i'm XXXX . So have you introduced yourself to her ? Right now I think that's the first step . After you have introduced yourself ask her out to a movie . Don't say date or anything like that . Just say ( after you get a conversation going ) . Just go with the standard . . . I have 2 free tickets to XXXX ( no not porn ) ( pick something you may both like so it's harder for her to say no ) .


I think you have this one already . She' s obviously into you . You just need to take it to the next level now .


Good luck MAN !

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Alright, thanks for the replies. But why does every1 always say that I am lucky that she still likes me? If her love isn't worth a dime then she is the one who is lucky. When you love some1 u love them forever, you love them until you die, and even after. Well atleast that is how i feel. If she looses interest that quickly then she isn't worth it.

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