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Haha, I feel your pain! I fall for gay guys too, because I feel they are so much more confident and in touch with their stylish side. They also know what to say more than straight guys seem to (probably because they understand the way us girls think more) and we have more in common with them than we do with straight guys. Gay guys are very well groomed (stereotypically...all of my gay friends have been this way though!) and so can look more attractive than straight guys. Clothes, hair, and confidence really help men, after all!


And of course, it's a personal preference. I like effeminate men...I think they're cute! But I'm not bisexual, so i don't think it's because you like girls. You just have a preference for feminine men. Like me! And SOOO many other girls in this world. (Look at Orlando Bloom. Haha...most guys don't understand what we see in him because they think he's such a priss...a beautiful, effeminate priss. Ahhhh!)

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Well it's not just because your bisexual. Although I don't normally fall for gay guys, I fell hard for a bi guy. I still can't get him out of my head and I've tried. I didn't even notice his feminine traits, until I caught myself picking up on them (he probably thought I was mocking him).


I don't even know what it was about him that caught my attention originally aside from thinking he was really attractive. My friends think it's because he's well groomed and takes pride in his appearance. Well my 1st husband took pride in his appearance, was well groomed and he's not gay. So I guess I just like well kept guys. Maybe that's it. They tend to take better care of themselves (hygiene wise).

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