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This isn't about me.. but my friends g/f... one of them.

See - my friend's been going out with this girl (Lets call her Q) for like almost 1 month now; but he hooked up with another chick (Call her W) and they've been going out for like 2 weeks.

Now Q didn't know anything about it. Whenever Q phoned him; he would say that he is grounded and can't talk, then hang up. Him and Q live in separate areas, same town though- Q lives north part of town, and he lives south part of town, along with W.


So me and my friend told Q online that he was cheating with W (Q and W don't know each other) and Q... obvioulsy heartbroken and kinda pissed off. She told me and my friend to tell him that she doesn't ever want to see him anymore and such. I told her not to go overboard with the situation, being sad and all that even though it's hard. She left with the words "Oh I won't, I'm just pissed off because he didn't have the balls to break up with me and go on cheating".


I feel guilty somehow, did I do the right thing? I dont' have a thing for Q or anything, just wanted to save her the time of waiting for him each day and better off without him... but on the other hand, me and my friend betrayed him(?)

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I don't know... lots of people would say that it's not your business maybe, but I for one kind of don't like that philosophy. It's like saying... we'll, the government might be killing all of these protestors in, say Canada (for an example that is totally made up) but since it's in Canada we should say anything about it, right?


I think you made the right decision. Surely your friend will be upset with you, but you already knew you were risking that when you told Q about W. Probably W would also want to know about Q, your friend thinks he can fool both of them, doesn't he?


I think what you did was very kind and sensitive of you and will save her from feeling majorly played later on...

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