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I dont get it... is it time to let go?


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Ok.. so I met this girl a good while ago, before I knew her I was afraid to talk to her and when I did get to know her she was awesome, I REALLY REALLY like her.. and even my friends said we flirt alot and it looked like i was having a good shot with her, I started up on stuff she didnt like and it was making her mad, nothing illegal well maybe at my age.. I started doing stuff and it made her mad, and things changed between us, I stopped them for her, and I don't know if it will ever bring things back the way they were, but my friend told me that before I started all this stuff(which I'll say is drinking and smoking) that he thought we might of had a chance together, and the other night she invited me to her birthday party, so I went and it was going good but then about half-way through it some people got mad and just alot of things happened to make it go down-hill and the entire night I was trying to think of something meaningful to say to help make her feel better, finally I went up to her and just intime to see another guy saying it to her allready and then hugging her, which sucked... and then before that guy left they had a looooong hug... I felt like crying the entire time they were doing that.... and now is it time to forget it and let go? and if so how do I do that ? ...

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You have every chance in the world to win her back. Don't give up! Never give up on anything... except smoking and drinking. That my friend is the only way you'll lose her. Alcohol and any kind of drug is a crutch for the socially crippled... It's for people who are too weak to be themselves. Find true confidence in yourself, not in some chemical, and go get her.

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