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I think so, but first they have to grow by themselves. If they get together without resolving the problems that would lead to the reason why they broke up. Usually this means working those problems alone (or with professional help) and it takes time. What I want to say: yes, I believe it's possible to get back together but not few months after the break-up (and then again, this would mean a new relationship and not "get back together).

My personal story: as some of you know, I broke-up with my "soulmate" in last December. I was devastated and during my healing process I look up for some professional advice. I end talking (by e-mail) with two American counsellors who told me something I didn't understanding at the time but like you see I'm beginning to believe: for win back someone, before it's necessary loose him, in this case let go.

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It all depends on the person who did the break. They felt the need to leave the relationship - what could convince them to return to it?


I would say, rarely. People are like shoes, you try them on and some don't fit. If it was meant to be it would be, if not... maybe someday but until both the parties overcome the reason why the relationship failed, there would be no point in returning to it anyways.

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  • 1 month later...

***** My answer is of course!Why not? My boyfriend and I broke up 3 times, and we're back together right now and happier than ever before. We broke up because he was somewhat insecure even though he loved me to death. I think it just depends on the reason of the break up and the feelings the two people have for eachother.

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I think I'm the Queen of this one...


Yes - on again off again happens. A LOT. I was with someone for 2 years. Broke up - stayed away for 4 years. Got back together for a year. Broke up again. And that was just one person. There's been many other occasions with other people.


BUT - moral of my story being - it's never worked out. You broke up for a reason - you have to keep that reason in mind. You start forgetting about the bad and reliving the good - it doesn't solve the original problem. Just makes you stronger for the next time around I guess.

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