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i am so nervous what do i do!! i dont know if i can do it

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Ok so the story is i really like this guy i met back in end of June. Well i kinda blew him off, b/c i had a boyfriend at the time and i didnt want to cheat on my ex. so i kinda was cool being friends. but now that i think about it i really wish i would have got his number, so here is is August 30th and i am finally geting his number from a mutual friend of his grandmothers. so tonight i call him and im am really nervous, bout it. so please tell wat i can do about it. i am having these heart renching pains and i am really gettin these cold rushes.....? what to do?

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You've gotten past the hard part, just have confidence.

He's just another human and shouldn't be treated as a king unless he treats you as a queen.


He's going to the game with you isn't he, I'm pretty sure if he was annoyed by you, he wouldn't rejected your invitation, but keep us updated.

Good Luck!

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Yea, it seems to be all about ups and downs. You have to gauge how someone feels about you to keep the chances down of "getting your feelings hurt". You see, this is what guys go through all the time, but we have to keep calling anyway without taking rejection personally.


As someone else said, if you have been in a relationship with someone for years and then suddenly get rejected, then your feelings are really hurt! What you are going through is just a step in the process. Some day you will look back and laugh at all of this.


Right now, just hang in there and let whatever happen happen.

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well he like shows no emotion over the phone and stuff, so i am calling him tonight to ask if he still wants to go on the date or not, if he doesnt my feelins will be hurt but i'll get over it. the thing is i REALLY REALLY like him and i dont want to get rejected. but you have to sometimes. so i jus hope he says yes and every thing goes well.

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Dont call him! unless he has a good excuse, hes not going to suddenly change his mind, even if he isint intrested in you. I assume he already asked you out before when you were with your ex. If you call your just going to kinda seem desparate, Id call right before you meet to make shure nothing has changed, but thats it.


Also, guys arent going to show much feelings that you could pick up over the phone. Or atleast I wouldnt. but who knows whats going through his mind.


Think about it like this: Even if he isnt shure about you, if you can get him to go out with you, he may change his mind and like you more.


Besides, i think you are just going thru the "I want what I possibly cant have"" syndrome. You are going to have to calm down or you will come off as desparate.

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well sorry guys i am stubborn, but i did call him and i left a mess. so in other words we will not be going on the date tomorrow. my feelings are hurt, you guys dont know how many times i have got hung up on some of these guys i like then i get my heart broke. so i mean i will give it one more try after school tomorrow and if no answer he can got 2 h*!**~e****!~!!~LL is doesnt make any since, why couoldnt he just tell me that he was busy or something then get me all excited and happy then hurt my feelings in the end. well all i know is it is just making me sick..

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boy-horsecrazy said:

well sorry guys i am stubborn, but i did call him and i left a mess. so in other words we will not be going on the date tomorrow. my feelings are hurt, you guys dont know how many times i have got hung up on some of these guys i like then i get my heart broke. so i mean i will give it one more try after school tomorrow and if no answer he can got 2 h*!**~e****!~!!~LL is doesnt make any since, why couoldnt he just tell me that he was busy or something then get me all excited and happy then hurt my feelings in the end. well all i know is it is just making me sick..


ummm hun I hate to say it,

but this is an advice forum, and I think (and hope) you're starting to realize that maybe you should have taken some of the advice instead of being a littel stubborn...


but chin up, remember, there is always gonna be someone that is perfect for you, no matter what, just let this be a lesson on what you won't want in a b/f


good luck and remember that you gotta be patient with relationships

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First off, good for you for calling him and asking him out in the first place. It takes guts and the fact he said yes shows that he thought you were cute and fun to be around. His initial reaction was to say yes. That is a great compliment and shows that you were not off base. The thing is that people are at all different points at different times.. he could be interested in someone else, be hurt by someone, be in the single mode or just feel like being alone. One of the hardest parts of getting together is finding someone you really like that is at the same point as you . I guess my point is dont take it too seriously that he backed out. I dont think you should hang on to hope either, but it is definitely not about you.


The other thing is that in the beginning people find any reason to avoid one another. The fact that you called him for a date means that you should have been extra cool and reserved about going on it. You know becaues you already went out on a limb. It was driving you nuts that he did not confirm the date with you so you broke down and called. This is a lesson many of us learn the hard way, but next time tie your hands to a chair. He may have still backed out, but you kinda sealed that deal because you looked too assertive. If he had any doubts he would have felt weird about your call.


The last thing is that I know sometimes it is unavoidable and your mind just takes over, but it helps to try to resist liking someone so much until you know they are really available. Not just do they have a girlfriend, but whether they are the type of person who likes to hang out with girls and is looking for someone.


In the end good for you for going on out on a limb. that really shows that you have lots of courage. I hope you know that this guy was just a fantasy and his not going on the date really means nothing about you.

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thanks funnyCAgirl, that means alot to me. well we didnt go on the date but the man of my dreams drove me. But i am in love with him, but i know i cant have him legally until 4 more years. he is quite a bit older than me but i feel so close to him and i feel that i can tell him anything and his feelings wouldnt change toward me. he would seem like a really best friend but people would be so suspcious bout a 14 yr old being tight with a 21 yr old. i know he has feelings for me and there is no way i can avoid them but i jus dont want to get hurt..*AGAIN*.. if you have any suggestions plz feel free to leave 'em here

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i am in love with him



I'm sorry but whenever someone says that in a relationship, particularly when it is at its beginning, it really makes me frustrated.


Love is growth. Something that is nurtured as time goes along, and it is somehtnig that is worked at and eventually perfected, so to use a line like "I love him/her" is nothing more than an obsession.

If I truly loved my girlfriend, I would show her through my actions that I loved her. Only during special times will I tell her that I love her. This would keep the genuine-ness of that line and not make it merely a routine phrase blurtted out to assure your companion that they are wanted.


That's just me, but really, you're still so young and there's still so much more you need to learn on your own and by going out with a man that much older than you, may not be the best thing for your own personal growth.

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