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You won't cry for my absence, I know

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Please, please forgive me,

But I won't be home again.

Maybe someday you'll look up,

And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:

"Isn't something missing?"


You won't cry for my absense, I know -

You forgot me long ago.

Am I that unimportant...?

Am I so insignificant...?

Isn't something missing?

Isn't someone missing me?


Even though I'm the sacrifice,

You won't try for me, not now.

Though I'd die to know you love me,

I'm all alone.

Isn't someone missing me?


Please, please forgive me,

But I won't be home again.

I know what you do to yourself,

I breathe deep and cry out,

"Isn't something missing?

Isn't someone missing me?"


And if I bleed, I'll bleed,

Knowing you don't care.

And if I sleep just to dream of you

I'll wake without you there,

Isn't something missing?

Isn't something...


"Missing" by Evanescence ( you should listen to it )


Now the only thing that is going to truly be missing,

is me...

this will be my last words to the people on earth..

And why do I choose to say it to the online world..

Because know one here in my world listens....

I truly am all alone....

So say what you want, I know all the consiquinses..

And I'm willing to take them all...

So now I'll go missing..

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I wish you would not do this... its not only what you are doing to your family and friends, but what you are doing to YOURSELF... you are cheating yourself of living a fulfilled life.. why? What if things get better? You never know what is going to happen. Things DO get better. I know from experience. Heck, a few weeks ago I posted about just wanting to die but I kept repeating over and over in my head "suicide is not an option", got through it, and now things are looking up. I'm really excited about what life has to bring. Please, at least give yourself a chance, things will get better. If you want to talk, pm me... I will listen, and I'll be here for you, just like people were there for me when i went through hard times... I will be here. Its not much, but its what I can offer..

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Of course you'll be missed! You'll be missed by so many people; you deserve life and happiness, and there is happiness in store for you. Yeah, there are consequences, but they extend much deeper than they probably seem to; your family will be burdened not only by the loss but by guilt and regret at not having recognized your unhappiness and not having done anything about it, and thinking about all the things they could have done better. They'll miss you terribly! These feelings that you have writhing inside you... you have to talk them out, even if it's here. Just take them all out and don't contain them or else they'll work their destruction from the inside out. Just let it all out and think about what you're doing. You're not alone!


By the way, good taste in music

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J.F. if you're family won't listen please speak with a school counselor who will get you the help and support you need. Each person on earth is here for a reason. The trials you are going through now could help you help someone in the future.


You know there are periods in life when everything seems awful and like it won't get better. But for tonight if you just go to bed early, you'll wake up to a new day and likely will gain a new perspective. I've struggled myself, and I do know that life does get better. But sometimes the tough times really seem like they won't end. But they do! They always do! Then you can appreciate the good times even more.


You're just 14. So this may end up being the worst part of your entire life. Perhaps you have a hormone imbalance that is causing these depressed feelings. See a doctor to rule out a physical problem, try medication. Find something to live for because there are always reasons to live.

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There are always things to live for Nothing_left_for_me. I know how you feel. I have been suicidal before and you always feel that no one wil miss you, but if you listen to the Evanescence song, you will hear that they say "isn't someone missing?" The people in your world will say that too, only then they'll realise that you're the one missing. That you're no longer with them.


You're not alone, no one is ever truly all alone. There are people on this forum that can help you... and I'd like to think that I'm one of them. PM me if you would like someone to talk to, or even add me to MSN or Yahoo! Messenger if you have it.


Please don't go missing.



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