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Questions about porn.

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Okay, I am a guy that had viewed pornography in the past when I was single and recently I have gotten into a relationship in which I quit viewing it as soon as I met her. All of that is fine and dandy and Its not something I really want to watch, but I notice as time goes on I seem to think about sex more often and notice an attractive girl more easily per when I was watching it. I also notice that I have a lot of temptations to view it. I have tried to quit watching it on a number of occasions in the past in which I always failed after like 3 months but right after I watched it I felt guilty and dirty. I was kind of just wondering what are some guys point of views on this situation. Its like one side of my mind wants to be totally rid of it and then the other doesn't. And I can almost be totally sure thats the other head ( ) speaking.


So my question is, are there any guys out there that have totally quit and if so can you give me some hints on staying away because it is honestly something I really don't want to view and also I don't want to do that to my girlfriend. (A side note: she never even asked me about if i viewed it or not and she never asked me not to). I feel embarrassed about this, but I don't know where else to turn. Thank you.

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okay i totally realize im not a guy here lol. but i just wanted to say that PERSONALLY i think a guy (or girl) looking at porn is completely natural and perfectly alight. i mean as long as it doesnt interfere with reality i see nothing wrong with it (or if you become addicted, or cannot be arroused by your partner because of it....etc). but really it is not something you should feel ashamed or embaressed about and if you ahve temptations why not. whats the big deal, its totally normal. or just ask your gf for some personal porn lol. but really she doesnt have a problem with it (as far as you know) and as a girl i dont think anyone should have an issue with it unless it is extreme (as i mentioned earlier). and hey let your other head speak lol. its not like your raping people. you make it sound like trying to battle the good and evil and really i think you should just do what you feel like doing. i mean in this case anyways lol.

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Since my girlfriend has come along it's not hard for me to get hard around her, when I look at porn I can't seem to get anything going unless I then start thinking about my girlfriend, that's also about 10 months into my first relationship.


I have tried to give it up, and tried to give up waxing my carrot. It's easier said then done, in the past year I have given waxing my carrot up for about a month and a half, and porn about 3 months.


Well just set a goal, like if there is that new CD you want, tell yourself you have to go x days without porn. Then if you make it you get what you wanted, just remember to put away some money for when you do get it.


good luck



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I see no reason


I mean, whats the harm in looking at porn, most of its just airbrushed women you will never meet anyways


nothing wrong with men watching porn and wetting the wistle


I think its even healthy to watch porn with your lover, it gets you in the mood, I just turn it off after were all steamy

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