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This girl all over me, but I am in love w/another.

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At my school this girl is like all over me all the time. She is always feeling me up and stuff at lunch at my hs and stuff. I am afraid she will be just like my last gf who turned out to be a real btch. I would give it a chance especially how much of a freak she is. Thats probley not the right thing to do since it would be out of lust I think. I really like the fact that she is always hanging out with me though in school because I guess I like the attention I get. She is also one of the only people I can talk to about my previous relationship.


But there is another person. She is awesome. We finally talked for a long time after work one night, like for an hour and a half. She is definetly in to me as I am to her. She is much more on my level. She is one year ahead of me as she goes to a local college. But I am feeling as if I am being unfaithful with this girl I really want. I have showed no interest in this other girl yet she still hangs on me like we are together.


What can I do to keep this girl friendly to me but make it clear that I am not interested in being with her.

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its veryy refreshing your approach to a girl you simply LIKE lol. i mean to be honest i wouldnt expect a guy to be like that. look i think you should focus more on this girl you like and dont give this girl at your hs anyreason to believe that you're into her and yes tlak about the other girl. but seriusly the girl at your school, if shes all over you, dont hurt her but maybe just back off from it dont really approach her at all or try avoiding her like say you know she'll be there at that time just try not to be there. i dont know lil things. but until you and the girl you reall ylike are dealing then its not being "unfaithful" lol. but i say just ask this other girl out and make it offical because you said shes into you so just do it and then you can tell the other girl you have a gf and donee deal. then you can punk her off wihtout coming off as totally mean and not hurt her too much

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I know this topic is no laughing matter but I just thought of something. If you don't let this girl at your high school know that you only want to be friends, she might be confused and join enotalone just to ask why a particular guy at her school won't make a move when she shows him all this attention haha. Now, dealing with your question, I couldn't be of much help b/c I have your same problem some of the time. A certain girl will hang on me and make constant physical contact, but all i seem to do is avoid it when possible but never speak up about it. I hope you solve your problem. Keep me posted! I could learn from it too.

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Maybe I can start being a player or something. There have been 5 girls who have done this kind of thing in the past month or so. I am mostly a quiet guy to. But really, how can a stranger just start hanging on you and hugging on you and stuff. Its like from one of those AXE commercials. I think I would be all for it if not for this other girl who I think might be the one for me for the rest of my life.

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