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4 Gals all friends! (plus webcam question)

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Ok guys, got myself into a situation!


Met this gal we will call (L), shes not hot, and im not intrested in her but im pretty certain (99%) that shes intrested in more than just friends but she is like a real good friend to me!


L has introduced me into 3 other gals, all hot!! and i want all of them! but theres a few problems! of course there all friends but let me tell you about them a lil


M - Shes great, really is cool, so intrested in her, more than just a one night thing, want possible relationship with her because shes funny/cool/pretty! When i met her she had a bf but she broke up with him now after chatting to her more i think i could get this gal! but i want more than just sex


L2 - Shes so flirty and it makes her kinda hot, she knows how to turn guys on and etc and i so just wanna have sex with her and i think i could, infact im pretty certain i could


G - OK shes pretty cute, shes pretty cool and definatly one that i would have sex with, she loves the older guy (lost her virginity to someone 7 yrs older) and i want her! most difficult gal to read and to work out weather or not shes intrested and shes the most loyal to L


Problem is there all best friends with L and altho L2 and M dont seem to loyal to the fact that me and L are good friends G is really loyal (she really wants me and L to hook up, even tho ive told her it aint gonna happen)


another problem is M and L2 went out with the same guy (m after l2) and i know m did but my guess is l2 did aswell, they lost there virginity to him! but he treated m bad and broke up with her through a letter (wtf who would do that? sad!) not sure about l2s relationship with him but i know that M doesnt like L2 because "shes a constant reminder of him"


so apart from l2 and m there all best friends, i live quite far away from them but im going to see them all next week, cinema, some food etc! i play it coky and funny at all times with these gals, and they love it! i know they talk about me but im not sure what they say when im not around!


just wondering what i should do and any advice on any of these gals or the whole situation would be greatful plus any more info needed id be willing to give!


ta for the help x


p.s (totally random question but i think i look better on webcam than in real life, is this something i should be worried about, say if im meeting someone who ive never met before?)


pps posted this last night but got deleted coz of inappropriate language! 2 things! 1) if anything in here is in appropriate can you edit it and not delete it! 2) why send a message saying it got deleted to my email and not actually pointing out what i said was wrong?



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I am so confused!


But it looks like you're having more fun than me, now.


Can I ask you a question since you're more advanced than I am?


How did you meet these girls, and how did you get to the point where they want to have fun with you? I'm asking because my situation is different: Most girls that I date DO NOT introduce me to their friends.

I never have had a situation like yours. How long did L know you before she introduced you to her friends? Did you and her meet at a dance club or party?


As for advice, I would keep it simple: Have one girl as a lover (or secret lover) and keep the rest of them as friends. Then if it doesn't work out, I would find another girl that has NOTHING TO DO AT ALL with the group. Keep your group of friends..no matter how much they want to jump your bones. It'll be less of a mess if you stay involved with those women, unless all of you agree to have a big "fun" get-together. And that, my friend is rare. In my town.

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LOL!..u remind me of a situation i was in about 2 years ago, i got talking to an amazing girl(L1) and we talked once in a while(coz i was seein someone else) and then I met another amazing girl (L2) who turned out to be L1's officemate!LOL!..so 3 months down the line, i broke up withmy gf and liked L1 and L2 both!!..so i'd endup talkin to both of thm and not bein able 2 decide who i should ask out(coz they;re good frnds too!)..u want to know what happnd? i didnt end up askin nyone of those amazingly intellectual girls out, L1 graduated and moved away, L2 is still at school and we r still buddies!. come 2 think of it i might ask L2 out now for a proper date, but i dunno if she'd see this as a buddy thin or me wantin her..dont wanna come clean with her coz it might risk my friendship with her...so am sayin make ur mind fast, spend time with all 4 of thm, hang out, get 2 kno more about them and then make a decision, but dont be in a buddy buddy situation coz I really regret not askin out L1 for a date..hope u don make same kinda mistakes

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