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Older women = amazing!!!

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Not all women are the same, some carry lots of emotional baggage and have many hang ups about sex, but in general Id much rather be with a 38 year old woman than a 18 year old girl.


I think I that was the point I was trying to make. Nothing against the younger guys.. truly.. its not about the stamina of being able to do it 10X in a row. I think someone more seasoned has experience to know how to pleasure... give and take. AND... they come to the table with a bigger fountain of knowledge. No disrespect intended to the younger gentlemen. You all may be all that and a bag of chips.. my preferance is for the 35-45 guy. There is more to having great sex than just the act. Its a mental exersise as well. A senuality and depth, that is rare in a younger man.


To the poster. I'm glad she knocked your socks off and you had a wonderful experience. There are many stories... and songs that were written by the younger man in trubute to an older woman who has opened up the world of "senuality" to him... that maybe had not been found in a younger woman.


I'll include myself in that set. At age 18... I wouldn't have known a darn thing about anything. And as the adage goes.. "If I only knew then... what I know now..." None of the boys would have been safe

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But no young women on the forum have come forward claiming the same case from the oposite genders.


Would I still be considered "young" at 25? lol


Anyway, I don't particularly care who sleeps with who. It has nothing to do with my life, and if two people can find each other and have a great time, what's the big deal?


I've never been with a guy who is more than a year younger than me, but I have been with a 36 year old guy (over two years ago). There are some pretty major differences to be honest, the biggest one being stamina. Again I should mention that I haven't been with a bunch of older guys so don't have much basis for comparison, but what I have found is that the older guy tended to be better with his hands, had 10 times more stamina (he didn't have to stop every 20 seconds because he was about to explode), and had a general sense of comfort and know-how with my body. He also looked into my eyes much more, which was kind of weird at times, but different.


There were differences, but I can't say that one is better than the other. I think it comes down to the sexual connection you feel with the person, not about their age. Then again, I've never been with a guy under 25 who could outlast me.

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As performance in bed is concerned, I would have to say i consider myself a lot better now than i was 20 years ago, experience makes you more in tune with my body and with the body of my partner.


There is a reason you will see younger women going out with older men, sometimes its because of economic security sure, but it has to do with maturity also, In general women mature a lot sooner then men, so while the guys are still "playing" around and not interested in settling down, there are grown ups ready to fit that bill.


So there is no worry of someday hearing from your partner "Oh I need to find myself" or, "We have grown apart" , "I dont know what I want" etc.

because they have already gone past that.

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Wow man that is the weirdest thing I've ever read on this forum lol. How would that even be enjoyable she's probably all wrinkly and stuff, .


I have to say that if you take care of yourself, then at 47 you are not "all wrinkly and stuff" unless you mean the small wrinkles women start getting in their late 30's (and sometimes 20's). Which if you do...you might find yourself out of luck as you get older as most women will have them.


47 is not "old" in itself. My mother is 48 this year, and she looks a good decade plus younger than that as she keeps herself in shape, eats well, dresses very well and has a great attitude towards life. There are some women at the gym in their 40's and 50's whose bodies I am jealous of, they look spectacular!

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There is a reason you will see younger women going out with older men, sometimes its because of economic security sure, but it has to do with maturity also


I'm probably going to step on some toes here, but I have to agree with this 100%. It's not that all younger men are immature, but it's a fact that females mature faster than males. Then again, I know 40+ year-old men who are still brats at heart and haven't really grown out of their adolescence yet. Women too!


I date guys of my own age because I like that they are still very young at heart, more spontaneous/ adventurous, and tend to come with less emotional/ mental baggage than the older guys. There is less pressure for serious commitment as well.

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i haven't really noticed a difference in maturity between men and women at the same age. i think they're usually immature and mature in different ways.


in any case, women usually do prefer guys who seem more mature, or at least more able to provide in some way.

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Wow man that is the weirdest thing I've ever read on this forum lol. How would that even be enjoyable she's probably all wrinkly and stuff, .


you're only a teenager so I'll give you some slack.


I am 48 years old/young. After years of being slightly overweight, I got down to the weight I was when I was 20, after hard work like diet and exercise. With good genes and staying out of the sun, I am not all "wrinkly and stuff". I look better and feel better about myself than I did when I was in my 20s. I am finding I attract more men than I was in my 20s or 30s and even much younger men. Good sex and sexual attraction comes from a state of mind, a confidence about yourself and a level of maturity which I didn't have when I was younger. I'm talking from my own experience because I know there are indeed younger confident women out there. Also, I am not at the age where I feel pressure to marry; I am more relaxed about things and see things at a different perspective than I did back then.


I think it's comes down to the individual. I did date someone who was around my age (and he was rich!) but he had the mentality and sexual maturity of an 18 year old. My current bf is 18 years younger than me (early 30s). Our sex life is passionate but it a lot has to do with the mental and emotional maturity factor involved.


Of course, I draw the line at dating anyone in their 20s or younger.

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With good genes and staying out of the sun, I am not all "wrinkly and stuff". I look better and feel better about myself than I did when I was in my 20s. I am finding I attract more men than I was in my 20s or 30s and even much younger men.


Good for you Breeze. My mother is your age and still looks incredible also. The only wrinkles she has are slight ones around her mouth from a lifetime of having a great smile!


I notice that a lot of older women think that sitting out in the sun for hours on end will make them more attractive. I've been to Cuba twice this year, and it's actually scary to see the skin of some of the older people. They sit outside all day, and their skin is just so wrinkled up and spotted.

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With good genes and staying out of the sun, I am not all "wrinkly and stuff". I look better and feel better about myself than I did when I was in my 20s. I am finding I attract more men than I was in my 20s or 30s and even much younger men.


Good for you Breeze. My mother is your age and still looks incredible also. The only wrinkles she has are slight ones around her mouth from a lifetime of having a great smile!


I notice that a lot of older women think that sitting out in the sun for hours on end will make them more attractive. I've been to Cuba twice this year, and it's actually scary to see the skin of some of the older people. They sit outside all day, and their skin is just so wrinkled up and spotted.


Ugh I know Ocean, I saw the same thing down there. Worse part though was if you were close you could see how DRIED out their skin was! And dry skin = loss of elasticity = wrinkles. Terrible sun damage!


Breeze - my mom too is your age and looks fantastic...I take great care of myself NOW as I have through my 20s, so that when I am in my 40s, 50s, 60s I will have the health and fitness to enjoy them as vigorously as I do now! Health & fitness are just part of my lifestyle, and I know even though age does have its effect, you can always do the best you can, and keep what you do have at the best you can...so enjoy your body, your lovely attitude, maturity and your younger man

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Ocean.. I think you are right. Shouldn't make assumptions without more facts.... Could be many reasons. Me.. I'd think she just wanted a to see what this guy was like..and not let him into her private life. She met him on the net.. had anonimity.. and by going to a motel.. she retains some of that anonimity. Doesn't have to put up with a stalker.. should she descide never to see him again.

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