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body type preferances

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just wondering-


for the males in the forum- whats your ideal woman? this means looks, personality, smarts, etc.


same goes for the women. and any bi/gay/lesbians in the forum.


my preferance is a skinny male, black hair, glasses (yeah, your basic geek) .. he should have the same sense of quirky humor i have and not be overly smart (heck, he cant be smarter than me) but should be able to hold his own in an intelligant conversation. o, and a good sense of music.

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Intellegence, similar interests, a sense of humour is most definetly necessary otherwise they would find me offensive.


Looks wise: I'm open to anyone I find attractive. In the past it's been blondes, brunnettes and darker haired.


I must admit; I have a thing for long hair. Not tied back.

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Independent, wise, smart, open-minded, funny, laid-back, artistic, same interests (maybe not everything, though), and would realize there's more to a relationship than sex.


Looks: more on the average looking side (cute), average weight, short hair (color depends on the girl, but I rarely am attracted to blondes).

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Personally, I like the girls who are confident in their looks but don't flaunt them. I mean, I'll acknoledge a girl as really good looking but women I would want to pursue a relationship with would be the kind that don't wear provacative clothing. I like women who are interested in foreign languages and ideas. As far as breasts, I dunno, I don't really care. And hair color is only root deep. I mean, historically (and that must count for something) I have been attracted to brunettes almost entirely with exceptions being dirty blondes. As far as smarts go, intelligence is good but so is street smarts. I mean, I'm no chem or physics whiz so I wouldnt be attracted to a woman who was a medical or math genius I don't think.

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looks: Decent looking...doesn't have to be a hottie. I'm usually attracted to average guys. I like chubbier guys that are taller than me. I feel safe when cuddling and hugging. I guess because they are bigger body-wise. Scrawny guys are just not all that attractive. Neither is grossly muscular guys. Oh, and I'm a sucker for pretty brown eyes.


personality: Has to be a sweet guy who is caring. Outgoing because I am pretty shy. Has to be a dork...I'm a dork and I will open up better knowing I won't be judged because I act silly. The guy needs humor. Yeah...has to be honest and is willing to work through problems. Also has to be laid-back!


smarts: I need a guy that's fairly intelligent and studying something that will pay well when they are done with school. Engineering... business... anything medical... law... etc. I'm studying engineering and respect people that are studying something that will get them somewhere in life.


other: has to be a Catholic with my morals.


Basically...the guy I like. Except he could lose 40 lbs.

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Engineering... business... anything medical... law... etc. I'm studying engineering and respect people that are studying something that will get them somewhere in life.


Unlike those other professions that are a huge waste of time and get you nowhere? (except maybe McDonalds or minimum wage jobs)


"Getting somewhere" does not always mean "getting rich". Being happy with what you love doing is what counts. And getting to that spot is my idea of the American Dream. I love music to death, and would play it for pennies on the street because that's what I love doing more than anything else in my life, and I would sacrifice living in a huge house (unless I MARRIED someone who studies law or the like) with an expensive car to do it because I am attempting to get where I would like to be. Aristic people get somewhere too, even if they aren't making the big bucks.


Sorry to bud in, but that's kind of a touchy issue with me.

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Engineering... business... anything medical... law... etc. I'm studying engineering and respect people that are studying something that will get them somewhere in life.


Unlike those other professions that are a huge waste of time and get you nowhere? (except maybe McDonalds or minimum wage jobs)


"Getting somewhere" does not always mean "getting rich". Being happy with what you love doing is what counts. And getting to that spot is my idea of the American Dream. I love music to death, and would play it for pennies on the street because that's what I love doing more than anything else in my life, and I would sacrifice living in a huge house (unless I MARRIED someone who studies law or the like) with an expensive car to do it because I am attempting to get where I would like to be. Aristic people get somewhere too, even if they aren't making the big bucks.


Sorry to bud in, but that's kind of a touchy issue with me.

I know it's just something I like. I didn't mean to offend you. LOL! I know money isn't everything...but I feel it is at least important that he would be able to support me...well, if something happened like marriage.


My family also puts a lot of importance on that type of major.


And becides what type of guy I date is for me to decide. If I want to date only blondes as an example...it is my decision. Why you decided to pick on me confuses me. Is my opinion really all that shallow? No, I would perfer to date someone who is studying what I already mentioned. One, I have based my decision on what I've noticed. The guys seem to be a bit more easier for me to talk to for some reason. The guys think more logically. I feel that these majors that are a bit more work show more intelligence in areas I feel are important. I dunno...stop pestering me!


Oh and I forgot to mention science based majors.


Music, drama, history, government type majors just don;t appeal to me and I feel like I would never be able to relate to my whatever because...it's late I am going to bed.


Blah blah blah...I can;t hear you in my sleep.

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I didn't intend to attack you like that (everyone has their preferences), but the "medicine, law... studying something that will get them somewhere in life" thing alone caught my attention. I took it as, "if you don't study in these areas then you aren't getting somewhere in life".


I, by all means, was not saying that any of your preferences were wrong (there is no right and wrong anyway). Sorry if you were misunderstood.

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It's okay it was really late here and I probably should be kept away from a computer. The guys I'm probably going to date has the same view of things and it's kind of funny. He understands my view on having someone that will be able to support me thing. Not so much the I want to be rich attitude. I just don't want to worry finacially as much. It's just those types of jobs usually have a future with them. USUALLY! Sometimes they don't go anywhere in a job. Bah...I dunno what I'm talking about.


I probably worded it wrong. I just view certain majors more desirable then others. Ones that usually have a nice job market thing. Anyway...

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Personality: Intelligent, has an attitude, honest, independent, self aware, knows what she wants.


Body type: Booty (not wide, but sticks out aka a nice side profile), curly hair (kinky curly), mocha brown skin, tall (5'10+), althletic body (thicker not skinny but not too much there is a fine line), nice teeth, full lips.

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Even though every one says I look just like Pierce Bronson. I tend to like the thicker ladies, because they are likely to understand that no one is perfect.


As far as the mind goes, I look for intelligence first than looks and they must participate in the game of courtship and rapport building. Kinda like a woman who knows how to get what she wants.


Nothing is more attractive to me than a woman who is bold enough to approach me to get the ball rolling. A simple question whould do. I'm not lazy and done well approaching women. I just don't like it when a woman plays so hard to get or is just to shy to give you a chance to make any effort.


If you grab for the dollar bill and the person pulls back and you grab for it again and this is repeated you quickly say forget that, even if your starving. It's just human nature!


Example is when they respond with very short reply that you can't elaborate on. No matter how interested I'm in her, I move on cause there are to many other women out there to pursue that give you a chance.

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Looks I want to point out that looks mean absolutely nothing to me without a great personality. I've always been really attracted to tall, slim men with broad shoulders, brown hair, and light eyes. Good teeth (which includes good dental hyiene) and nice skin are also very nice.


Smarts What a man does for a living is of little interest to me, as long as it pays his bills and he's passionate about it. However, a guy who is really witty and can carry on stimulating conversations about things other than sports or himself is definitely a great skill.


Personality A guy who cracks me up, is silly sometimes, and doesn't take himself or the world too seriously. There are certain things to be serious about, but not all the time. A guy who respects my opinions and doesn't live to prove me wrong (my last two boyfriends have been really good at this).

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I like girls that are a little on the geeky side. I have interests in several areas of science, engineering, biology, technology, computers and art. If she can follow a conversation in any of these areas, I will find her interesting.


A good sense of humor that is a little on the dark side if possible. Not easily offended and playful is also a plus.


I like women who are fit, not necessarily skinny but in shape. Good personal hygiene as well.


I usually go for average looking women. Like I said, I like nerdy girls.


I do like women who are independent, responsible and have a healthy self-image. More of less a woman who doesn't 'need' a man, but 'wants' one in her life.

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Appearance: I've always had a thing for light hair(brown and blonde) and blue eyes. But I've seen some really hot brunettes with dark eyes. It all depends on if she's in shape and what her face is like. Slightly tanned skin I like, fair skin looks good on certain girls as well...I don't know it just depends some people look better with fair skin some people look better with tanned. Just girls, don't apply that dark bronze fake tan lotion stuff, it is such a turn off, it looks so much better if you sit out and bake in the sun instead of becoming lazy and going out and buying a lotion or paying for a session in a tanning salon.


Personality: Sense of humor, good taste in music and isn't addicted to the "mainstream plague", average intelligence or a bit greater too smart I don't like, isn't ditsy, touchy-feely, extrovert, optimistic, kind, confident, playful.


Career: What the girl does doesn't really matter to me as long as she enjoys her job then I'm cool with it.

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Skinny/lanky/scrawny guys have never really done it for me. What really gets me going (haha) are sorta more.. uh.. toned guys.. I hate really overly muscly, bulgy guys (once he's got muscles so big his boobs are bigger than mine, that's just going too far..) but guys who are a bit.. er.. 'thicker' (is that the word?? hahaha) with just a hint of muscle.. and MUSCLY ARMS oh my god

Can't really say what I find attractive in faces, because there's such a wide range.. but with hair,


As for personality.. I love guys who have like, sarcastic humour lol, are able to KEEP A CONVERSATION GOING (I hate people who you meet and like.. if you cut the word "yeah" out of their vocabulary they'd be unable to talk) Being a huggy person myself, they've got to love hugs.. I love spontaniousness (sp?) too.. as long as it allows me an hour to get ready first rofl. Confidence, easy-goingness, optimistic, playful, outgoing.. like OceanEyes said, "a guy who doesn't take himself or the world too easily".. you can't go wrong


Career.. ha. As long as they're doing what they like doing and HAVE A JOB, i'm happy. My ex BF had an apprenticeship in wall and floor tiling.. it was a bit weird to think about lmao, but hey, he had a job and it wasn't at mcdonalds!

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I really don't have a thing for skinny guys; it kinda annoys me if they manage to stay slimmer then me. Then at the same time I don't like over weight guys, so average weight is ideal. A bit of muscle but not too over done is heavenly, arms and chest especially

I like the real manly edge, you know, the guys who don't look like they're barely becoming men.


As for personality, I really like sarcasm…not too sure why, but I do. I think that if a guy can keep a conversation going and has a little bit of sarcastic humour, he's perfect. Also confidence is hot, and he needs to take care of himself. That doesn't mean spending longer getting ready then me (if that's possible) but how hard is it to bathe and brush your hair?


For some reason I like hands (Lol, I can see that looking like some kind of fetish) but I don't know, something about post-pubescent hands is hot

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Heh, for me, the guys I say I am attracted to and would love to date are never actually the guys I am attracted to in real life!


I say I want your typical Brad Pitt type--buff and cut, tall, nice hair, strong jawline, manly, gorgeous face, etc. or that I want the model type man--long and lean, cut, chiselled facial features, perfect hair, perfect clothes, etc. but in the end I fall for pretty average looking guys to below average looking guys with golden personalities. Those few times I have managed to snag a really hot guy, I could never find myself attracted to anything beyond his pretty face, and it would always end really soon.


Moral of the story? Guys who complain that girls will never date them because they're "ugly" or "not Brad Pitt" should look on how their personality can snag the ladies.

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omg, and I forgot to mention!


Eyebrow Piercings = instant hotness!! They can and have transformed many guys from plain and dull to 10/10s... lmao. And tongue. And lip. And i'll shut up now XD


I'm guessing you like your piercing


No, I hate them.. they're the ugliest things i've ever seen ;O why do you ask?

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personality: funny in a very satiric/ironical way, intelligent in the same way (doesn't have to be book smart, per se), interested in their future/aiming for a solid career, cares about me, of course. I usually tend to go for, or I suppose attract, the shy type, which is ok by me -- no one insanely social. As long as we "connect."


looks: every guy I have dated has had a different "style" and look to them. I'm not incredibly picky with who I am attracted to, but it really depends person to person. I'm not so big about muscular guys, usually average weight. I like them tall. Hair = more the better. I like dark hair. One thing that I do look for in looks is facial hair (must).

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