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Why wont he call when he says he will???


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I am so confused and really need some guy advise. About two weeks ago my mom called to tell me she had met the perfect guy for me. He is working on her house by the way so they tend to chat often. So anyway, to make a long story short, we talked on the phone, had an amazing hour long convesation and then went on a date two days later. It was amazing, we felt like we had known each other for fifty years. He just kept telling me how grateful he was that my mother introduced us. We had a great kiss goodnight and I went home. He then calls me the next day to tell me what a wonderful time he had and he can't wait to see me again and then asks me to call him the next day just to say hi. Even though I was brought up not to call boys when first dating, I did. He was so sweet when I called and we chatted for about fifteen minutes. I had asked him if he would like to come to my neck of the woods the following Sunday (we live 45 miles away from each other) and he said that would probably work out. He then said he would call me after he got off of work that night but never did. As a matter of fact he didn't call me for just about three days. When he finally did call he left a message telling me how busy and chaotic his week had been, his truck had broken down and that he has thought about me every single day sinse the day we had met and he was sorry it took so long to call me. He asked me to call him back when I got the chance. I called him back that evening and left him a message.....he didn't call back. So by the end of the next day I called him and after we chatted for a bit I told him it was really important to me that when someone says they are going to call, that they keep their word. I let him know that I hated playing phone (swingers...the movie) games. He then told me how much he liked me and that he thinks about me everyday but just has so much going on. After we hung up i realized he had never even mentioned coming over on Sunday even though just the day before at my mothers house he told her he couldn't wait to see me on Sunday??? I dont know if I am asking too much for a man to at least check in every other day and just tell me " hey Im busy but i will call ya later when I have more time to chat). I would think if this guy likes me as much as he says he does, he would be trying a little harder to woo me. Oh by the way at the end of the conversation he said" okay sweetie, I probably wont be calling you tonight but i will call you soon" Why is it so hard for a guy to just pick up the phone and say hi????? Do you guys pull this phone crap on purpose?? LOL Oh and do you think what I said to him on the phone scared him off from ever calling again? Or does he sound so weird I shouldn't care anyways? Or maybe I sound weird for even writing this. I dont know, even though I am 26 years old, dating is pretty new to me because I was with someone for close to ten years.

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It sounds like he's being pretty legit about his feelings and it doesnt sound like what you said on the phone could have scared him off. I mean, you were up front and let him know how you felt about people returning calls as promised. ( A totally reasonable request I might add). So, I wouldnt worry for now. Sometimes, guys forget to call. (id like to think I never would) I don't think he meant not to call you. Maybe he just really had a crazy week



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He might just be playing it easy.. He doesnt want to come off to strong, and isn't doing a very good job of keeping a shown interest level.


I wouldnt worry about it. There are times when I'm terribly busy, and I can't even, or don't want to call anyone..


It's not just guys that do this. The ladies do it as well, my Ex(right now atleast) doesn't have a very good gasp on just calling to say hi, or goodnight, or i love you.. She forgets to even call me when she's out partying and settling in for the night to let me know she got home okay... So.. it's both ways.


I wouldnt worry. Don't call him next time then, and see what he does.

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Keep it cool with this dude. You told him you hate it when people lie about callin and he flat out told ya that he wasnt gonna call you tommarow or whatever. When i read that i took it as he was respecting you.


Heres how i see it: This dude is into you. Keep it cool. It doesnt seem like hes trying to play you.

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