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stds oh no


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ok heres the deal on aug 3 i went to massage p and got a massage and afterwards got well full serice as what they call it. i had sexual contact. the day afterwards i got a couple of small red bumps near the base of the head of my penis. it was midly itchy but nothing too painful, so after like 3 days the bumps are still there but not as showing-somehow it kinda of clear up but not totally gone as before-and no pain or no itch. ok what it can;t be herpes right. what is it.

nowing i am experiecing some tightness near more above part the left kidney area . not suire what it is. no pain or nothing just kinda of weird feeling.


i went for a std test-blood test and urine too, on aug 8 monday and was told if i get a phone call its bad news and if i get no call it means i'm fine. i have never gotten a std test so i am kinda worried.

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Did the massager give you a handjob or a blowjob, or did you have intercourse? Did you wear a condom? I ask these things because what you are experiencing could be herpes, another STD, or it could be irritation, a reaction to the lubricant used, or latex allergy.


I am glad you went to be tested. I wish you the best.

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she gave me a bj to get me hard and enrolled a condom with it, i also used condom for intercourse, was very short- i didn;t even cum i was so nervous, i was very short but intercourse -yes. lubricant was used. she gave me a hand j at the end to make me cum-but i didn;t iw as too nervous.

tell u the truth i am scared. 24 yrs old only

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If she has the herpes virus in her mouth from a cold sore she could have well given it to you via oral sex. The bumps you describe do sound like herpes, and the genital and oral herpes strains are interchangable (meaning the you can give someone genital herpes via oral sex with a cold sore from the herpes virus, or visa versa.)


Did the tester tell you how long it would be for the results? I think that test takes a bit of time.

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You dont seem to be exhibiting the classic symptoms of an STI infection, you had the right idea to get tested to determine if you have anyting. I would suggesting going to a free clinic instead of just getting a phone call this way you are more informed and they actually give you a direct answer instead of just being in limbo.

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You dont seem to be exhibiting the classic symptoms of an STI infection, you had the right idea to get tested to determine if you have anyting. I would suggesting going to a free clinic instead of just getting a phone call this way you are more informed and they actually give you a direct answer instead of just being in limbo.


These are the classic signs of a herpes infection:


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What are the symptoms?

Unfortunately, most people who have genital herpes don't know it because they never have any symptoms, or they do not recognize any symptoms they might have. When there are symptoms, they can be different in each person. Most often, when a person becomes infected with herpes for the first time, the symptoms will appear within 2 to 10 days. These first episodes of symptoms usually last 2 to 3 weeks.


Early symptoms of a genital herpes outbreak include


* Itching or burning feeling in the genital or anal area

* Pain in the legs, buttocks, or genital area

* Discharge of fluid from the vagina

* Feeling of pressure in the abdomen

Within a few days, sores appear near where the virus has entered the body, such as on the mouth, penis, or vagina. They also can occur inside the vagina and on the cervix in women, or in the urinary passage of women and men. Small red bumps appear first, develop into blisters, and then become painful open sores. Over several days, the sores become crusty and then heal without leaving a scar.


Other symptoms that may go with the first episode of genital herpes are fever, headache, muscle aches, painful or difficult urination, vaginal discharge, and swollen glands in the groin area.

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I didnt know they still have these kind of massage therapists, isnt that kind of like a prostitute?.

Not that Im interested, just very very curious. How do you know you have went to one of these massage therapists? do they just all of a sudden start doing stuff with you or is there some kind of a sign?


sorry, Im just surprised

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You got tested. Keep it in your pants for a week or two until you know. If no call in a couple weeks, you are probably clean. If you are not, then learn how not to spread it and deal with outbreaks. And, you will need to tell your partners. If you are clean, say a prayer of thanks, count yourself lucky and be careful.


Herpes is classed as genital or oral. From what I understand, genital can exist in your mouth and oral can exist on your genitals. The virus can also be spread without open sores. The virus can be shed through any mucus membrane, and shedding occurs only a small percentage of the time. I also understand that a person that gets open sores is less likely to spread it by shedding.

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You dont seem to be exhibiting the classic symptoms of an STI infection, you had the right idea to get tested to determine if you have anyting. I would suggesting going to a free clinic instead of just getting a phone call this way you are more informed and they actually give you a direct answer instead of just being in limbo.


These are the classic signs of a herpes infection:


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What are the symptoms?

Unfortunately, most people who have genital herpes don't know it because they never have any symptoms, or they do not recognize any symptoms they might have. When there are symptoms, they can be different in each person. Most often, when a person becomes infected with herpes for the first time, the symptoms will appear within 2 to 10 days. These first episodes of symptoms usually last 2 to 3 weeks.


Early symptoms of a genital herpes outbreak include


* Itching or burning feeling in the genital or anal area

* Pain in the legs, buttocks, or genital area

* Discharge of fluid from the vagina

* Feeling of pressure in the abdomen

Within a few days, sores appear near where the virus has entered the body, such as on the mouth, penis, or vagina. They also can occur inside the vagina and on the cervix in women, or in the urinary passage of women and men. Small red bumps appear first, develop into blisters, and then become painful open sores. Over several days, the sores become crusty and then heal without leaving a scar.


Other symptoms that may go with the first episode of genital herpes are fever, headache, muscle aches, painful or difficult urination, vaginal discharge, and swollen glands in the groin area.


Yes I also saw the site but at this point, it could have just been an allergic reaction or some other kind not necessarily herpes. Since he didnt exhibit more than one symptom I didnt want to pigeon hole my response with just herpes as a possible solution.

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how do you get sex or a bj from a massage therapist? aren't they just supposed to massage and leave... isn't it illegal or something? like they aren't allowed to have sexual contact with their customers or they lose their jobs or something... I don't know... I heard that somewhere though...

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how do you get sex or a bj from a massage therapist? aren't they just supposed to massage and leave... isn't it illegal or something? like they aren't allowed to have sexual contact with their customers or they lose their jobs or something... I don't know... I heard that somewhere though...


Well, these aren't your regular licensed/educated massage therapists who yes, only do massage therapy.



These are "masseuser's" or something similar, not actually licensed massage therapists.


They are basically prostitutes who work out of certain "parlours" or at home, or do home visits, etc.


If yes a licensed massage therapist did this, they would lose their license.

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Actually Beec.. you can pass on herpes even if you aren't showing symptoms.. They are actually having commercials on tv now stating this!!

I would be responsible if it were me and if it turns out you have herpes, have the decency to tell your future partners.. This can cause some problems in giving birth even.... as it gets passed onto baby somehow thru birth canal.

That is the problem with saying you are having safe sex using condoms.. cuz if the herpes virus is outside the condom range.. then you can still pass it on to your partner.. good luck man!!

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you can pass on herpes even if you aren't showing symptoms..


That's called a shedding phase. People think herpes is a skin disease, but it's a viral disease of the nervous system. Type 1 (oral) resides near the base of the brain/spine and Type 2 (genital) resides at the base of the spine. When there is a breakout, it travels along the nerves along those regions and that is why breakouts occur in the mouth and genital area.


This is the scary part of the disease. I found it scary and sad that there are some people who kind of blow it off as a minor deal, but like sexysadie7 says, it can pass on to a baby or to anyone especially if it's out of range of the condom. Three of my female friends contracted it with guys that used condoms.


But hey if you're into Russion Roulette...

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Another thing to keep in mind (if it isn't already been said) is there is NO cure for herpes and it can lay dormant for a long time without a breakout


I saw a show like 48 hours or something like that where people actually open businesses under another pretense and use their offices for these types of things. I know one of 'em was like a dentist office, but I can't remember how they got around not losing their license for using it for sexual purposes. I know, I know, remember all the facts first LOL LOL But I just remember thinking, "Holy Sh*t! How can they get a way with that!"


Go to a doc Joe45...even though it may be scary. I have friends that have it and with proper treatment they have been able to carry on a "normal" sex life. But, next time use a condom and to be responsible, you will have to let your partner(s) know as a precaution if in fact you have it.

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Actually Beec.. you can pass on herpes even if you aren't showing symptoms.. They are actually having commercials on tv now stating this!!

I would be responsible if it were me and if it turns out you have herpes, have the decency to tell your future partners.. This can cause some problems in giving birth even.... as it gets passed onto baby somehow thru birth canal.

That is the problem with saying you are having safe sex using condoms.. cuz if the herpes virus is outside the condom range.. then you can still pass it on to your partner.. good luck man!!


I know it is possible when "shedding" but otherwise understood it was at least unlikely.


Telling a partner is just simply the right thing to do.

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but she gave you oral sex without a condom first, and that is an easy way to transmit it.



And even with a condom....some skin to skin contact can still transmit certain STDS...it does not have to be bodily fluid to bodily fluid. From pubic bone to pubic bone area...


joe..glad you are getting tested. Sex workers do indeed often carry various STI's, so it is a risk that is definitely there.

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