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summer is almost over?

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Hey everyone,


You know all summer I've been so concentrated on getting with a girl that I've actually neglected talking to and hanging out with my friends/acquaintances for nearly two and a half months? God does time fly by.

How do you usually do things with guy or girl friends that you haven't spoken to in a while? Do you usually make a few calls for phone chat and then eventually you guys go out for a cool event like a party or moutain climbing or sea kayaking?


Believe me, I need to be a better friend.

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well in my area its more like a movie or dinner lol but yea pretty much. just give em a call be like wow its been a crazy busy summer what you been up to we gotta see eacohther guyyy before school starts! and make a plan and get together. simple, its not like a blind date here

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If they're true buddies, you won't have to worry about how you ask them to hang out with you. They'll want to because they missed you! It's nothing to worry about. Just call them up (or IM them, if that's easier for you) and say that you should hang out and catch up on what's been happening over the summer. You can even inspire them by telling them that you have a particular girl you've been trying to get with.


They're still your buddies, so just take it easy and ask them to hang out again. It'll work out fine!

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I agree with northern lights.

They're youre buddies, dont stress to just ask them out for a few drinks and a game of pool or something relaxed. Cause if you do something TOO incredible, you'll be so busy with the activity youll have no time to catch up and talk

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