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well, im not going to join peace corps b/c id have to be there for 2 years...no thanks.


it is confirmed i am going to live in eastern Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Melbourne) for a few months next year. i have done extensive research, spoke to many locals in the area in which I am considering living, and my parents gave me their full blessing. so im as good as gone.


i really cant wait.



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DragonGirl, I completely know what you're talking about! I read your post a few days ago, and it got me thinking. I'm kind of an artsy person, an idealist at heart, and one thing that bugs me most is 'having to conform.' I was never good at it. Put me in 10 years of Caticism, and I was still not convinced of the stories the nuns would read to me in Sunday school. I do accept the virtues they taught me though (minus the gay and abortion issues, and other hypocricies). So, I know what you mean about sticking to 'normality'.


Have you ever seen that Jim Carey movie? Forgot the name. Truman Show? Yes, I think that's the name of the movie. Whenever, I have to go to work, I just hate the feeling of everything being so 'corporate.' Just like Jim Carey's character in that movie, I dread everything being the 'same'- typical, generic, all of that! And worst of all, it just doesn't quite seem as though we have the freedom to truly express ourselves anymore. Because as soon as we gather our own unique ideals and stick out like a sore thumb, someone is always looking and breathing down our backs! It's funny how corporate society preaches about individualism, but in reality, it doesn't quite support it when people have their own unique thoughs and opinions.


My only conclusion is, if I want to retire comfortably, being that the economy is crap right now, I better stick with trying to adjust to Corporate America and learn how to adapt to these normalcies. I just hate the thought of being another bland, corporate cookie cutter! But, hey, If I want to become an entrepeneur, that is OUT of the QUESTION! I don't have the financial assets to start up my own business- which would allow me the freedom to do what I truly want to do. At the same time, I don't want to retire without a lucrative 401K plan, and most of all, if and when I do decide to have kids, I want to be able to afford healthcare and proper education for them. I guess I just have to dream on..and until then, maybe those dreams will one day become a reality. Meanwhile, I'll just sit back, keep myself enlightened, and keep on hoping that I will some day hit that lottary jackpot! lol...*sigh* Great post, as usual, DGGirl!!

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im so glad you thought my post over & feel similar as i do. im sick of all the beurocracy (sp. check), hypocricy as you mentioned & everyone brown nosing jus to keep the job that they hate. my parents have done it for yearrrrrrs, too many to count & they are fed up w/ it. i told them basically everything i mentioned in this post, (at first they thought i was crazy for breakin out of the box) BUT i actually inspired them. once my mom receives her 401K come the ripe age of 59, her & my father want to spend a month or so & travel all throughout Europe & where ever else their lives lead them. they deserve it more than anyone else i know. theyve been part of the 'working class cattle herd' for wayyy too long. everyday going to a job they hate where they are talked down to, overworked & underpaid, enough crap to crush anyone's spirit. so finally they plan on exploring other lifestyle's & see what life is like in other parts of the world, experience enjoyment instead of irritableness.


Ive come to the conclusion my BF & I are moving to Australia as of next fall, at least for 3 months. Im going to continue to work for myself freelance graphic design/illustration, but instead of working out of the basement on my parents PC or from some over crowded polluted part of NYC, why not from a secluded white sands beach surrounded by tropical rainforests in beautiful sunny Australia.


some people work to live, and some live to work...i choose the first of the 2.


and to step out of the norm for you might not be as crazy as you think. (trust me my parents first thought i was nuts for doing this, but that quickly passed) believe it or not, some people have jobs they love & they can still live comfortably with some cash to spare. its not as out of reach as you may think...its just up to you to figure out all those details on how to make it happen.


Don't live with debt, pay that off first & foremost, and from then on, dont live out of your means. pay cash for everything, (it IS possible, believe it or not ) if you cant buy it in cash, then dont get it, or find a cheaper more affordable version of what you're looking for. and start your life from a new beginning. this kind of lifestyle may come off to some as 'hippy' or 'unrealistic', but in all reality i think its a smart way to start your life.


thanks again for checkin out my post.



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Hi DragonGirl,


I like your idea to travel around different country. In fact, I have been dreaming on working abroad.


Have you consider about the visa issues?


Does Australia allow you to conduct work while staying there?


Actually, I admire your braveness in life. I am older than you, yet you accomplish more than me. I think it is not about how long you live your life, but what do you do with your life that matters.


Good luck in your journey in Australia.

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yea you can work in australia or any other country (except amsterdam) if you obtain a VISA. they have working VISA's and its only $30! so thats def cool. thank you so much for the support & i encourage you to do the same. I know I really can't wait. we're thinkin instead of Fall 06 we'll go from January til April (at least til April) in 2007, so we wont miss so many birthdays/ holidays in the fall & have to rush back for Christmas. PLus, we'll be there for the Australian summer (AND NOT TO MENTION SPENDING NEW YEARS DOWN UNDER!!!)


and it is true, "its not about the amount of years in your life, but that of the amount of life in your years..."



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