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fasting, is there a safe way

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i plan on fasting for a while. I'd like to fast for maybe 48 hours a week,for physical, mental, and spiritual reasons. Im wondering if theres anything i should know before i start, like are there any tricks to it, what should i eat when im not fasting, I just dont want to end up in the emergency room or anything. if anyone has advice or anything it would e welcome and appreciated


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Overall this doesn;t sound like a good idea AT ALL. Is there any way you can satisfy yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually without threatening your health?


If you are going to endanger yourself and fast, at the very least be sure to still drink a lot of water so you don't dehydrate and pass out,




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Well, what sort of fast are you considering? There are some strictly water fasts, as well as juice and water fasts. I would say do a Google search on methods and safety of fasting. Here is a helpful link I found: link removed. And also, if you have any existing medical conditions, I would say definitely check with your physician before beginning. HTH!

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I don't believe there's any good physical reason to fast for 48 hours. 12 hours/overnight for medical tests/pre-surgery, sure...but not 4 times that.


I've already toyed with 2 replies to this thread and couldn't quite spit out the words, so I'll put it to ya bluntly.


I noticed you posted earlier today asking for tips for quick weight loss. If I remember correctly you mentioned that you were actually trying to get under the recommended weight for your height/frame size. There is no safe, healthy way to lose weight quickly. What winds up happening is you screw up your metabolism and do more long term harm to your body than good. I am concerned that you are setting yourself up to develop an eating disorder with the focus on weight loss and the unhealthy methods you are asking about to go about it.


There's nothing wrong with wanting to drop a few pounds and be healthier, but you have to be sensible about it, otherwise you will find yourself having issues you never dreamed you'd be having.


I know there's at least one other recovered ED person on this board...are these posts from depressedone89 raising some red flags for anyone else?

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Yeah, your therapist was probably right. I know tons of people fast for religious reasons and I would support that because everyone is entitled to his or her own beliefs and that is not a threat to anyone's health but I think you were fasting for the wrong reasons...stress and wanting to lose weight. I'm sure your therapist has some better solutions about how to accomplish this.

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If you do want to lose weight, there are safer and highly more effective ways than fasting. When you fast you tell your body it's starving (and it IS). Then the next time you eat your body is still in "starvation mode" and stores everything you give it- because your body doesn't know when it's next meal will be so it holds on to the calories to survive. You can actually gain weight in the long run by fasting.



If you are stressed, there are other ways you can deal with it besides putting your physical body in starvation mode. In fact I would think starving would only add to stress. Maybe it temporarily distracts your mind for the mental anguish and you instead focus on the physical pain of hunger- but when it's all said and done- your stressful feelings and thoughts still remain- so why not find more EFFECTIVE ways to cope with them directly?



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Fasting is awful for you, really.


Unless for a medical reason (like surgery or something) it will do more bad then good. Even with losing weight. It causes your metabolism to go into starvation mode, meaning it will hold on and store every calorie you do eat the rest of the time. Leading to weight gain, fat stores.


You will lose muscle mass, which slows your metabolism even more, and you lose strength, and change your body composition.


You lose nutrients, again messing with your bodys stores. It causes your brain function/alertness to detoriate as it is not getting fuel (carbs) it needs to function.


You get sluggish, cannot move as well, decreasing calories burned and causing you to retain more once again.


The best way to maintain an ideal weight (and not below the healthy range, very bad for you) is to eat healthy ALL the time, and eat the right amount of calories, nutrients EVERY day and more if you are working out. And exercise, work out.


As a past anorexic, one who still suffers from some eating disorders time to time, I can tell you that being strong, toned, healthy through eating properly and exercise/wroking out is WAY better than starving myself, being weak and sick most of the time.

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