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Did I make the right decision?

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Hi, I am new to this forum and I would like to hear opinions and advice on the recent breakup with my boyfriend.

We met on the intiernet..(I know..lol)and became extremely close. He wound up moving in with me in my state a little over a year after we met. It was good at first although signs told me that it was not gonna last. He didn't cheat or anything..He just would not hold a job and contribute financially to the responsibility of living as a couple. He was out of work for more than 10 months collectively(In a little more than a year). I recently got tired of working sometimes two jobs and going to school Full time while he didn't make any effort hardly to find a job after he quit the one he had.. I broke up with him last night and he went back to his home state. I was just wondering what other people feel about my situation and I would like some advice on helping heal my broken heart.

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It sounds to me like he wanted a free ride. Did he give reasons for not being able to hold down a job? I'm with you on this one, it must have been a HUGE stress for you to work 2 jobs and go to school full-time! In your shoes, I really think I would have done the same thing. Who knows, maybe at some point he'll straighten up.


As for your broken heart, take it one day at a time. It sounds like you have more than enough to keep you busy, but find something that brings a smile to your face- a new hobby perhaps???


Good luck!

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I think you're better off without him!


You have enough problems holding down two jobs and going to school full time.


How to mend a broken heart? Well normally I would say keep yourself busy but you're already doing that. Have you got a relaxing hobby you could do? Something to make you unwind.


Hope this helps.


Take care of yourself.

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I think one way to heal is to realise that you were deceived as to this guy's character - you fell in love with someone who doesn't really exist.


Don't blame yourself but realise that only people with good hearts can be deceived like that. It would be a mistake to let this experience sour you on future relationships, just be a little more careful next time.

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It does sound like he was using you to take care of him. Just remember when life closes one door another is bound to open up. Fate has a lot instore for us, and he just wasnt it for you.


i couldnt agree more about keeping busy or doing something you enjoy that doesnt remind you of him to keep you occupied, as well as talking to good friends Everyone definatly gave you great advice! Good Luck!


Time eventually heals everything.

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thank u sooooo much for the advice...i keep second guessing my decision and playing things over and over in my mind...it was the hardest decision that i have ever had to make and i needed to know that i made the right decision...thank you all soooooooo much...

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he didn't give me any reason why he couldn't keep a job other than "circumstances" prevented him from doing so...i know that his family has always taken care of him while i have been on my own for a while now with no family to fall back on...

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I'm sure it probably was sheer laziness, the only way i can actually condone that kind of situation is if that was the agreement previously and well it obviously wasnt. Take care of Yourself and Never second guess your initial action. Especially when it comes to someone who isnt willing to sacrafice like you have working two jobs and school, which is tough, just to make it work.

Your lucky it panned out this way now instead of another year later and 10 months again with him not working.

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