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Im 13 yrs old should I go all the way or at least give head?

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13 is clearly too young to be having sex, but when do most people usually have sex for the first time? Grade 11, 12, University?


I had a boyfriend at 13 and I didn't even know what to do! Kissing and holding hands was fine by me!


Seriousely, it sounds like you are so unbelievably desperate, and I'm going to tell you, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

DRUGS. Showing off CONDOM WRAPPERS. You shouldn't even bother being friends with such a loser, let alone wonder if you want to have sex with him or not! I'm sorry, but you need to be told!

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It is possible that you will get one or two posters to say "Go for it, everything will be fine". But I doubt it and would suspect their motives if they do.


When the vast majority of people advise the same thing it is always wise to listen very carefully and usually wise to follow the advice.

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why would he be arrested if we're bothe underage?


Don't cap. It's looks aggressive and is considered shouting.


I don't know the details of law in the state that you live.

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Because under the law you are not old enough to "consent" to sex. He could be arrested for rape. Check out the website I posted. It'll give you a better idea and explain things. There is an age of consent, but it varies from state to state.

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He would be considered at fault because he is older.


But you could possibly get into other sorts of difficulties - especially if the authorities thought your parents were not taking proper care of you because you are having sex with a boy who is promiscuous and doing drugs.


Your parents have a duty to protect you and if the authorities think you are not being protected properly they have a duty to step in and make sure you are.

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Age of consent here is 14, it varies from place to place. So if he is 14, you are 13 it would be statuatory.


It varies from place to place. Even if you are both underage it is not a sure guarantee that he would not be prosecuted depending on where you live as he would be older party so considered 'at fault'.

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Unless you were there with your friends and saw them having sex don't count on knowing for a fact that they did. I was 13 once and a lot of the kids in my class were saying they were having sex and different things like that. When we got older I found out how much of liars they were in general, and how they lied about anything just to make themselves look and feel cool and fit in. It is no way to be, but you never know who your true friends are at that age. If you want people calling you names like that and are okay with that you have more problems than you realize. To me it sounds like you are just starving for attention weather it is good or bad. Not talking to you mother and allowing her to think your relationship with her is open is only going to bite you in the butt later down the road. Sooner or later she will figure out that you have hidden things from her and lied to her about things, and then she won't trust you any longer. All that leads to is her not being there for you later down the road when you need her. Besides it is not always safe not talking to your parents about things. I hid something that was happening to me in a relationship when I was 18 and it almost killed me. She found out and we discussed it and worked things out, but my mom and I have ALWAYS had an open relationship and she always discussed with me things like sex, drugs, etc. You have a lot of growing up to do. Girls your age are now popping out babies and they can't even raise themselves. Just give yourself time to grow up some and experience other things that life has to offer instead of jumping in the sack with some drug head who could very well wind up raping you and hurting you. That isn't something you will want to live with either for the rest of your life. Think about it.

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Age of consent here is 14, it varies from place to place. So if he is 14, you are 13 it would be statuatory.


It varies from place to place. Even if you are both underage it is not a sure guarantee that he would not be prosecuted depending on where you live.


Yes, Canadian law is different [and strange].

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This has been well covered and my thoughts exactly with other posters, it isn't wise to do such things - Especially at 13. As far as I'm concerned, 13 you should still be trying to enjoy one's youthful naive nature of early teens. It goes by so fast you'll be sorry when you've missed it and tried acting mature during this period and missed what you could of been doing during your teens instead. You've got your whole life to be mature.


Do remember though, what you do is with you forever. You can't erase your past. So whether you listen to us, or not, you are stuck with it. Period. STDs don't go poof when you're an adult. Pregnancy chance is always there and you're too young to be bothered with all those issues whether child raising or abortion.


Last but not least, Junior High or HS is one thing that doesn't last forever. There was a person I knew, she whined about never fitting in, she did all this junk to fit in despite my two cents. She had her group she eventually fit in with. Somehow she graduated and now she is a ruined nobody addict and sleeps around (among other things as one leads to another) with no future and past she'd rather not speak of. The real world starts AFTER HS. That is the one you concern yourself with, half of the people we know in HS we will never see again. Choose wisely what you do now will affect you in the future.

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