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Please advice me on hairstyles that would suit me..

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..Admittedly this may sound like a weird request to some of you, but I'm sure there are some style guru's out there who will be able to advice me.


I usually have my hair really, really short but I have been growing it for a while as I want a change. I really don't know what style would suit me and can't afford to go to an expensive stylist as i'm a student.


This is why I am asking for you advice, what hair style do you think would suit me?


Here's a pic of my hair at the moment, it's just getting to the really unmanageable stage where I usually end up cutting it all off again!


Your advice is most welcomed. My apologies for the picture quality.


image removed

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I don't see anything wrong with your hair now, but it's your opinion that counts. I understand that money is tight, but why not check into a place like Super Cuts? They have all kinds of magazines and books with hairstyles. That might help you decide what to do.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I'm in England and we don't have a place called supercuts.


We do have a very expensive place called Toni & Guy but I can't afford that.


The reason I don't like my hair like that is because it's been like that (usually a bit shorter) since I was 14! I really would like a change, but have no ideas what to do or what would even suit me.


I was going to grow it quite long, but maybe it won't suit me? I'll take a look at the link- thanks.

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Sorry, I didn't know you were in England. I think the website is a good idea though. You know, you could always grow your hair and if you don't like it, chop it off. Have you ever considered shaving your head? It's an easy keep up.

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I think that something like link removed and link removed (sorry they are blurred) has the potential to suit you. I also think that your hair now looks pretty good! But you really do deserve a change if you have had it since you were 14!


I always change my hairstyle every 6 months or so, at the moment i have it similar to the guy in the link i gave above, im planning to go very long next (down to sort of mid-bicep length), but its gonna take a few months to grow!


Make sure you send us another picture once you have your new style!

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you shouldnt worry about your hair unless it looks completely wild, and yours does not. if you are trying to make your hair look good for a girl...then from what ive found out girls take confidence more than almost anything. if you be someone they feel they can trust and make your actions with confidence almost any girl will like you. if thats not why you want to change your hair then all i have to say is that it looks good the way it is

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys... bit of an update on this seemingly trivial situation. My hair is quite long now and this is where it gets really messy (it goes curly) here is another pic of me taken yesterday... you can't really see how long it is because it is quite curly.


I appreciate the last posters comments on confidence, where he suggested not worrying about hairstlyes... but I believe confidence comes from within and if you look and feel good you will act confidently. I don't feel confident with my hair at the mo tbh and i'm really considering cutting it off... but, conversely, once i have done thi I will probably wish I had kept growing it through this hard phase as It may have been worth it in the end...


this may seem trivial to some in comparison with others posts and my problems it have posted about in the past, but this is reall ybothering me. I don't want to have to resort to the old boring hairstyle I have had for so many years, even though I am used to it and it may suit me.


Please help!!

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lol... thanks Dark blue... do you think dreads would suit me? as i would be prepared to put up with a 'mop' (lol) if the end result was pleasing..


...still got the mop at the mo, contemplating cutting it this Mon (depending on results from this thread).


Thanks for the advice and keep it coming.

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I don't think anyone can critcize you for dreads; if that's what you want.


More importantly than 'if you would suit it': would you be happy with it?


Would you feel comfortable with it?


Would you get fed up with the constant, necessary washing of it?


If you feel you would be happier with dreads than anything else you could have done; Go For It.

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Thanks mate... have decided to grow it a bit and see what happens. I have realised i shouldn't be so vain in caring what anyone else thinks. If I want to see what my hai looks like long i shouldn't have to worry about what others think of me, even if it does look crap!


Besides, as said, it's easier to cut hair off than grow it. And i need to do this formyself if that makes sense.


I want to have and see my hair long at least once in my life!


Thanks for the support and advice in my soul searching!

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