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I need sleep!!! Please Help

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Hi all,


For the last few months I have been having periods (usually lasting a week or two) of not being able to sleep, waking up multiple times during the night or waking up too early. I have never had problems of this nature before and have always slept very well.

I'm so frustrated, I just want to cry, I'm sooo tired. There is no reason for me to not sleep. I am probably the happiest I have ever been and have no worries (although now I worry that I won't be able to sleep) I don't smoke and rarely drink caffeinated drinks at all. Lack of sleep is affecting my health (my health can deteriorate quite rapidly) I can barely function at work and feel like I am in a daze most of the time.

This is truly horrible, it is disrupting my whole life I rarely excercise anymore because i'm so tired so I LOOK awful in my opinion which upsets me and all I think about is getting to sleep.


I have tried taking unisom and that works sometimes but it also leaves me feeling out of it for the whole of the next day..


I seriously feel like I am going to have some kind of breakdown if I don't get some sleep soon. I am working as a receptionist at the moment and every time the phone rings I just want to scream/cry or both because my head feels like its having holes drilled in it. This problem also seems to be getting worse because this particular bout has lasted longer than the usual week/two week bout.


Please help



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well..you said there is no reason for you not being able to sleep. theres gotta be SOME reason. maybe you should talk about your sleep problems with your doctor or health care provider and the two of you might be able to figure it out. i was having that problem a few months ago and my doctor subscribed a medication for me to make me sleep better. i used it when i had trouble sleeping and soon after, that trouble sleeping period was over and i was back to my normal sleeping patterns.


also..you said you havent been up excercising. well, i think you should push yourself..excercise like 2 or 3 hours before you go to sleep and you wont feel so revved up and will be able to sleep better. then excercise in the morning and afternoon the next day. thats helped me.

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I am definitely NOT one to give advice, but your post struck me because I have been having major sleep problems lately. Unlike you, I do know what is causing them...depression and anxiety related to the breakup with my live-in boyfriend a couple of weeks ago. Both can cause insomnia.


I think that a thyroid problem can also cause some sleep disturbances.


This is obviously affecting you deeply, physically, emotionally and mentally. Please go see a doctor, ASAP! There is no reason you need to suffer like this. I promise that you will find a great relief in just seeing someone and finding some form of action to take.


I have taken Ambien twice in the last 2 weeks. I have very few left from an old prescription. They have not helped me lately because my sleep has been interrupted by a disturbing phone call, but in the past they worked very well. There is help out there for you. You do not need to accept this.


Please keep us posted on what you find out. I'm praying you get some answers and sleep very soon.



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Well I actually did push myself to do aerobics last night because I thought it might help. It did not, I ended up getting a grand total of an hour of sleep.


My husband says I should go to the doctor because it might be a symptom of a larger problem but unfortunately I fainted at work about a month ago and we have a large medical bill (just under $1000) for that as well as a lot of bills for bloodwork I have had done.

I have hypopituitarism (hypothyroid, adrenal insufficency and growth hormone deficiency) and have needed a lot of tests as I am currently trying to get back on growth hormone that I was taking up until six months ago when I moved to America. I have had a lot of health problems since I have been off this medication.


My husband and I anticipated that I would need very good medical benefits when I came over here, unfortunately his insurance carrier did not allow him to change his plan (he has a very cheap one as he is very healthy) when he married me so we now have to wait until early December before he can change it.

I am worried about getting into debt as all of the bloodwork that I need is going to run into a good thousand plus the hospital visit which was another $1000 and now the sleep stuff on top of it? If I have all this done we are going ot be buried.

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I have been Hypothyroid since birth and on Thyroxine all my life, I recently had my levels checked and they were fine but how exactly does the thyroid disrupt sleep? I never heard of that as a symptom although I do get the palpitations quite often.


Thanks to you both for replying and thanks so much for your support.

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I strongly suggest you at least go to a consult at your family doctor, who is familiar with your thyroid problems. I am sorry that the costs are so high that in fact your health is suffering from not being able to pay the bills. I have little knowledge about the American system (assuming you are resident of the states), in Holland even the cheaper insurances cover bloodchecks and basic things like that. I wish I could forward this possibility to you.


Figure out the cheapest way to get the most basic research done. I know how terrible insomnia can be. Working 40 hours or more a week on an average of only a few (if lucky) sleep is terrible.


Do you get paid hours when sick? Maybe you can cut down on the hours a bit?


Did you try sleeping somewhere else, maybe in a different room/bed? (to exclude the possibility that this insomnia is caused by any of your sleeping circumstances)?


Take care,



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