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Need interpretation of a Chinese girl

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Hmmm, I'm not familiar with Chinese girls or their cultures. Although, I do know that they tend to be more conservative. I hung out once with 4 other university students at a amusment/theme park. There were 2 Chinese girls whose english was poor. We all had fun.


Well, a couple week later one of them emails me asking if i'm interested in berry/fruit picking and ends with "maybe we can find the time to go together". The only time we've emailed each other was on a group list to coordinate the amusement/theme park trip. This email was sent only to me. Is this normal for chinese girls? I thought they were more conservative. Anyway, I seek any interpretation that can be given especially from those that are familiar with chinese culture.

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Here and in China, that means she is interested on you.


Just go with her, even if she is from China, she still has feelings and a heart, and love will find its way, even accross different cultures. Don't over analyze what is so simple.


Just go with her and enjoy picking fruits, time together will explain you her feelings

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This email was sent only to me. Is this normal for chinese girls? I thought they were more conservative. Anyway, I seek any interpretation that can be given especially from those that are familiar with chinese culture.

Is she from Mainland China? I can't say for sure, but perhaps things are a bit more egalitarian there Comrad! Any way who cares??? If you like her, accept!

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