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Since me and my Ex have broken up i have bin on a few dates just to see what else is out there and so far nobody compares to my ex. So my ex called again and asked me to see her she told me she needs at least till the end of summer to think things through, God i can't take this any more waiting waiting waiting, it drives me insane. What do you guys thingk i should do should i just go NC for the rest of summer or should i just do what iv bin doing

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How about this: Tell her to call you when she has made up her mind. In the mean time, do NC so she can have time to think and then go ahead and date other girls. You might find one that you like better. Go on a few more dates before you lose hope. I guarantee there are other girls out there that you will click with. Don't worry about your ex for the time being. If she gets back to you at the end of the summer and wants to get together then you can consider it then. For now, don't wait, do your thing, live your life...date.

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Yes...I think you should do NC...as strenuously as possible.

Give yourself a deadline and stick to it. As long as you wait around on her

timetable..you will feel helpless. Don't wait around. make goals for yourself..and say..in a month, I will have accomplished this...or in 2 months I will have done that. Just sitting around and waiting in limbo makes time stand still. You need to get busy with life. If she thinks you are sitting around pining for her, she is NOT going to see that as an attractive thing. You DO have a choice here...you can choose to sit around and blame HER for you not moving on, or you can be pro active and make some neccesary changes.

I read an excellent book recently "How to Break Your Addiction to a Person". It basically explains that one reason people tend to cling to a certain person, regardless of HOW bad the situation is.. it is because that person in some way reminds them of someone (a mother or father figure)

with whom they had a lot of discontentment with as a very young child..and the person they are clinging to in some way represents that person with whom they are trying to recreate that relationship with. They tend to try to somehow make this person into the person their mother or father could NOT be at a time when they were helpless and could not control the situation. It is a pretty deep subject..but it gets to the root of things. Ask yourself...who does this person remind you of..and why are you clinging so hard to it?? What are you trying to change in this person

to suit your needs?

Do some soul searching...the answers might surprise you.

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I just don't understand why you are making it an option for HER to be with you. You ever notice that, that you are the one WAITING while she is out doing WHATEVER she wants, with whoever she wants. Why are you the one that is being left out.. and not her?? Stand up for yourself.. as a man.. shoot, as a person. Why are you even waiting for someone?? What's the point to wait?? There are NO gurantees that things are going to work out again between you two.. so your left there to think about her and WAIT?? Don't kid yourself.. move on by doing no contact, there are other great girls out there that wouldn't leave you on the backburner, or who simply wouldn't make you wait as number 2. Your just addicted to this girl so your world and views will change once you get her out of your life and you move on the see the BIGGER picture. There is more to life than this ONE girl...

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