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Prayers for Londoners affected by bombings

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It seems that as the day goes on the information is becoming slightly clearer.


It is now confirmed that there were 4 bombings in which at least 33 people have died with hundreds injured; there are an unknown number of fatalities from the bus that was hit. Tony Blair is expected to make another statement to the public sometime soon and the media are speculating that whoever is responsible is probably in league with Al Quaeda.


Thank you all for the support that you are showing.

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My thoughts and prayers go out too all the families of those that are injured and have died as a result of the tragic result of such vicious attacks.


I can't begin to imagine what the families are going through and truly hope that the terrorist group involved in this is caught and is paid for what they have done.

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My thoughts are with all the people affected by today's terrible events in our capital. As a regular visitor to London, I can imagine what the mood is like there just now.


Would it have happened if they had held the G8 summit in Antartica? .......who knows? I live pretty near the G8 and you can feel the tension here tonight.

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I send my deepest sympathies to those who have been affected both directly and indirectly as a rusult of today's sickening and cowardly terrorist acts.


My thoughts are with the families of those who have perished and those who have been injured.


I would also like to send my gratitude to all the rescue workers who are bravely puting their priorities on this subject with other people at the top of their list.


This is a sobering reality of nowaday living.


My thoughts are with you all at this painful and emotionally draining time.

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It's terrible! I saw it on the news this morning. Why London? I mean is it the olympics? We have 7 yrs to the olympics so could London be under attack during that period of time? Is any other part of the UK under threat?


I read that some people are trapped in the underground station and can't excape.


I pray for those in London. It's terrible to think that those people woke up this morning and didn't realise the tradgedy that would soon occur



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It's terrible! I saw it on the news this morning. Why London? I mean is it the olympics? We have 7 yrs to the olympics so could London be under attack during that period of time? Is any other part of the UK under threat?


I don't think it is the Olympics that have caused this terrible act, I'm more inclined to go on the fact that we are hosting the G8 and this is an attempt to shock all the world leaders.


Is any other part of the UK under threat?


Who knows? Keep living life though and not in fear!!!

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I was horrified and sad to see the pictures of what happened in London today. I have friends living and working there, but luckily as far as I am aware they are allright. Yet, I feel deeply with those whose friends and family are involved in those terrible incidents. It just seems so unbelievable that this happens in a place I have been to so many times and will be flying to again on sunday. I am stunned that a human being willingly and purposely causes such devastation, mischief and pain with coward attacks striking inncocent people. And although I doubt that I will find an answer, I will keep asking myself the question: WHY?

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In the spirit of Fisch's posting:


Hey, gang, let's not make any assumptions. We don't know who is responsible yet, or what their motivations were. It's certainly in the style of Middle Eastern terrorists, but Japanese death cults and Eastern European terrorists have used similar tactics and/or similar targets. No matter who does it, it's deplorable.


After 9/11, everyone in the U.S. media immediately assumed it was Muslim terrorists. Turns out they were right, but many innocent muslims were hurt and offended by how quickly we jumped to conclusions before we had any evidence. And the terrorists gleefully used that to fan anti-US sentiments even higher. I don't want the same mistake to happen now.


Fox News reports that Britain doesn't know who's responsible and they are "keeping an open mind". If they can do that, so can we.


(Joke removed by author, with apologies)

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My prayers have been there all day. I have only read about it online, and I don't even dare to watch tv right now.


It feels so close by. Blacksmith, I am so relieved you're fine. I have friends studying in London, and they are ok as well.


Let's refrain from assumptions about responsibility until authorities give the information away. Let's keep praying here.



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It's terrible! I saw it on the news this morning. Why London? I mean is it the olympics? We have 7 yrs to the olympics so could London be under attack during that period of time? Is any other part of the UK under threat?


I read that some people are trapped in the underground station and can't excape.


I pray for those in London. It's terrible to think that those people woke up this morning and didn't realise the tradgedy that would soon occur




Miya, it was to disrupt the G8 summit.

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If anyone is worried about loved ones and cannot contact them directly due to the problems with mobile phone networks then you can call the Scotland Yard casualty hotline on 0870 1566344.


Anyone who has any information regarding the attack is urged to call the Terrorist Information hotline on 0800 789 321.


Anyone with enquiries about travel information should contact Transport for London on 020 7222 1234.

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Then I apologize to all, even to those who did not post. I truly did not mean any harm. As stated in a previous post, I had associates in the Pentagon on 9/11, so I know how horrifying this time can be. Which makes it doubly insensitive of me to post a joke, I now realize. I was only hoping to lighten the mood. Not an excuse, just an explanation.


Once again, I'm sorry.

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In my prays .

I haven't even heard of that yet, wow. I will probably see it tonight on the news, that's when I see it, every night my pa watches it at the same time, if It weren't for that I wouldnt' know anything happening. lol.

well I'll be praying.

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