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I'm so In pain... Please tell me what to do....

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Please help me, I really need an advice. It's been 8 months now since I left my country. I left cz my girlfriend decided to move out and so am i. we were so happy then though we don't have much of the material thing. Her family doest like me and so with mine but we stayed in the relationship for more 3 years and 6 months. One day she told me that she sent my resume somewhere abroad. To my surprise I was given an offer. but leaving her alone with out her family beside her is such a pain. She said I should go, so I left her cz I know that every time I see her with that kind of look I really pity her. She's kinda belong to those rich kid and im just in middle class. When abroad, I called and kip on communicating as often as I could. Though that means slashing the part of my budget for food just to call her. At first it was okay. Then problem started. That was march. She started not picking up mg calls and sometimes canceling it. I ask her what is the best time for me to call her but is just the same. It never work. Till I got a news that she got a new boyfriend. She denied it all. What hurt is, pple told me that she already get over me. I feel so frustrated and miserable. I plan a lot for her. Left my family to stay with her and just in one snap, she's gone.


I even commited suicide cz of her.


Tried not to communicate to her since June 17. then finally she contacted me on the 20th of the same month. Why? She said she love me still and she's trying to clean the mess she made. But my friends kip telling me that she's still with the guy. I don't know who to believe. So I decided to cut the communication between us though it really hurts… to my surprise after that call, she never contacted me anymore. I'm so in pain…. I love her so much but I think she doesn't love me anymore. Want to move on but its so hard…. Everything reminds me of her. From head to toe. Il be going home soon, but I don't have someone to return to now…Help!

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Hey, she's from a different country, chill out. What she meant was 'I would even commit suicide for her'.


Anyways, I think you should move on as well, try to go to a therapist if you have to, it's just not worth it to be deppresed like this. What type of mess is she trying to sort out anyways, ditching you for some guy and then having the nerve to say she still loves you? It's not worth your time, and it pains me to say that, but please do not commit suicide, I don't like it when people do that...

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Love Hurts, I think you need to find some way to move on like Cloud said. Do you have a group of friends where you are now? I was just wondering because this is a time you need someone to help you through this. It is not going to be easy, but always remember that you have a family that cares so much for you. Do they know how you are feeling? If you feel comfortable enough with them, confide in them for help too. No one is worth taking your own life for. You are important to so many other people!!! Keep your chin up and, when sad, remember you are loved by overs and smile.

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