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I would do the same thing to him. call him up and be like what's up, and say someone elses name, be like I had the greatest time last night and blah blah blah and just keep on talking until you feel you have put in your share and then stop and let him be like eh this is j not so and so. Then be like o im so sorry, so how are you, we still up for wednesday night. then if he says anythign mean about it be like well that's what you did to me the other night you should try to be more careful and think about others feeligns you know? he he. No actually that might be a little mean, but just an idea.


No need to play games in my opinion.

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I remember when I applied to Harvard, I sent them a letter telling them how much I really wanted to go to the University of Michigan. Oops! I got the envelope mixed up! I realized this mistake in the middle of the night, I called Harvard, and they said, "Oh, this sort of thing happens ALL time time! Send us another letter, but we may or may not put it in our file." So, I sent another letter, but I didn't get in. Oh well... it was a long-shot anyways....


My gut is saying "don't go." And forget to tell him "I can't make it..."

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The problem I see with playing this sort of game on him is that he might not even know why you stood him up. He may forget his phone fiasco by then... or not even make the connection.( I'm kinda absent minded that way--is why I say this)


Hey it's your call Annie, but unfortunately he already has black marks and it's not even Date1 yet .

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I do think he has bad manners and that a first impression can mean alot.... it's a lil' fishy what he did to you, and I don't think you would enjoy any time you spend with him because you already have this preconceived notion of him.... (for which I can't blame you--really poor manners!)


But I agree with Muneca that it would be in poor taste on your part to blow him off without a phone call. Don't let his social mishap reflect badly on you...drop him a quick call and say "thanks...but no thanks...."


Sorry Annie! This is a tough week for you in the dating pool!!

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I say stuff it, don't go. He's already getting his dates, and prospects mixed up, you don't want to be just a number in his book. If you want to date multiple people, you need to make sure you are able to distinguish between them, the next thing he will be calling you other girls names, etc.


You can do better than that.


PS. How about meeting guys in real life, and not on the dating site, it seems you always get stuck with creeps.....

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Agreed. Meet guys in real life but you can still keep the dating site option open too.


Sorry Annie! This is a tough week for you in the dating pool!!


Heh ... some people have a tough week every week.


Whatever you decide to do annie, good luck.

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Wow. This guy must feel like an idiot. At least I hope he does.


It's not like it's wrong that he's dating other people. You are as well, and you aren't anything official with this guy yet, so basically it's ok if he's setting dates with other people.


Despite all that, I personally probably wouldn't go on this date though. The part that gets to me is that he is first confusing you with this other girl. And second, he is basically blowing you off for this girl when he must have had the date with you first. Cause if he had other plans he wouldn't have set the date with you in the first place.


Of course, you never know what could happen with this guy, so maybe it could be worth giving him a try. Maybe you could ask him if he cancelled your date to go out with this "team mate". Maybe there's more to it than we know. I wouldn't just not show up though.

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ronically, his profile says he is "good at multitasking."




Maybe you can say that in an email to him when he starts begging and pleading after your unexpected-night-of-urgent-toenailpainting.


It should say "I am not that good at multidating, though"



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I hate it when you guys make me do the right thing.


Ok, I just sent him a 1 sentence e-mail saying I'm no longer interested.


On the flip side, if I were ever to seriously date him, I would find out pretty quickly if he's cheating on me, as he is apparently incapable of covering his tracks!

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Ugh Annie! Sorry to hear about this...I think cancelling the date was the right thing to do in this case. It would of been different if he had a genuine reason not to go...and yes, you both know you are dating others...but that was just plain bad etiquette on his part, and rather rude in my opinion. I am sure he already feels like a fool right now, but it is a situation he put himself in...if he can lie about 'his teammate' before he ever meets you, he can lie about others. He may just be one of those people you meet (men and women) online who are habitual online dating players..lol.


Don't give up on internet dating altogether, like I have said it is another resource, and a valuable one for many of us due to our lifestyles..and hey it worked out fantastic for me, and some others I know too...keep your options open.


And remember, this goof just cleared the way for the guy you are REALLY supposed to meet..lol.

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On the flip side, if I were ever to seriously date him, I would find out pretty quickly if he's cheating on me, as he is apparently incapable of covering his tracks!


I was thinking this last night too. I guess if there is an upside to the situation...here it is!


As RayKay said, don't rule out internet dating....it has worked pretty well for me too... 8)


There are lots of ways to meet nice guys, it just so happens that they are the same ways to meet creeps as well!



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I hate it when you guys make me do the right thing.


Ok, I just sent him a 1 sentence e-mail saying I'm no longer interested.


On the flip side, if I were ever to seriously date him, I would find out pretty quickly if he's cheating on me, as he is apparently incapable of covering his tracks!


Hey there are lots of other guys out there for ya. Better to be safe than date some cheater/weirdo.

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Good for you annie. I would have chosen the less civil way, but in fact this is the most mature way to handle it


You deserve someone who doesn't even think about seeing other women when he has seen you!



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hah, annie, you are my kind of girl...i would have sent a cover letter to harvard telling them how much i wanted to go to michigan too! b/c the wolverines rock!

as far as this date goes, i don't think it would have been the worst date ever,i mean, you were both dating other people, and perhaps he did have to change your date to hang out wiht another girl, but only cause he doesn't know how awesome you are yet....his loss...but maybe the other girl couldn't meet any other night and he knew wednesday would work for you too, but, who cares, i'm sure you had better plans for the 4th anyways (or i sure hope you made it sound like you did). and as for telling you it was a team mate, yes, i agree, a team of girls he calls for dates, but if he had told you his mistake? wouldn't you have been a little bit weirded out?

but that's just me...i'm super forgiving and too much so...

but then again, you don't have much invested in this relationship, so if his behaviour is a real put off to you, then i think you were better off by blowing off teh date, after all he would have had some bad marks already, so it's probably better that you didn't go...i wouldn't worry...a smart blonde is hard to come by, and you've already gotten so many dates, etc, that i have faith that a nice guy with better etiquette will come along

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So does anyone in here know what he meant by teammate because that still confuses me.


He mentioned in an earlier e-mail that he likes to play baseball on weekends. When I asked if he was trying to call someone else, I think "teammate" was the first thing that popped in his head.

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So does anyone in here know what he meant by teammate because that still confuses me.


He mentioned in an earlier e-mail that he likes to play baseball on weekends. When I asked if he was trying to call someone else, I think "teammate" was the first thing that popped in his head.


I didn't know men and women played on the same baseball team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the waters look unstable with this dude. but then again it IS a 'DATING' websyte, not a 'looking for just one specific person site'. lol


hey, you may be "just another girl he wants to meet", but then again, he's just another guy youd like to meet too.


thats what dating is all about. its got its ups & downs.


but personally it's starting off crappy already, so if i were you i know id just get a bad taste in my mouth from him & not bother to make plans with him anymore. delete him from your buddy list, who cares. oh well, move onto the next guy....take a number fellas. lol and unfortunately you may have to take a number as well. thats the dating game for ya.



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