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okay well heres the rough outline. i had gone out with this girl about 2 months ago it last for about a month. Ever since weve became 'best of friends' so to speak. we see each other practically every day and spend large amounts of time talking to each other. weve became so close that many people believed we were goin out. the problem is i told her how i felt about her and whether she felt the same and if there was any chance of us getting back together which she replied that she wasnt sure!! i was hopin for some advice on wat to do cause its sending me crazy


thanx in advance

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i would start dating others as well. Spend less time with her and stay in contact. Sonds like you may be setting yourself up for a fall... one never knows. In your situation if you begin casually dating other girls/women, she might see what she will be losing, and may act on it. Or not.



I wouldnt put my eggs in one basket though.


Good luck.

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I wouldnt put my eggs in one basket though.


I tend to agree with Brando on this one. If it is driving you crazy and she is giving you ambiguous answers, than you have the option to walk away from her right now and begin living your life for YOU and not for the chance that she may take you back.


I like what another poster on the forum said about not wanting to be with someone that they have to convince to want them back... if the person is unsure and leaving you hanging.... it might be a safe assumption to gather for now the answer is no and you are free to move on.


If later on she decideds that maybe she was wrong and contacts you in the interest of trying again, you can decide at that point if that is something you will still consider. Maybe then you will feel differently.


Remember, it's your choice. Any time it gets to be too hard to handle, you can walk away.

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I like what another poster on the forum said about not wanting to be with someone that they have to convince to want them back...





Yes Hope75, this was a great statement/realization/truth. I dont remember who wrote it though, would like to give them credit.

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She might be scared of losing what you have now. Relationships can change friendships and despite the fact that you went out before she may still be scared. Give her some time and try not to worry and if she decides she just wants to remain friends, try not to feel discouraged and do remain friends as she may always change her mind in the future.

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