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4 months ago i met a guy off a internet website that is mostly for teens and young adults.a guy wrote me we talked over the phone for a while and eventually met up.he took me out shoppin out to eat and then broght me to work.i knew that i liked him a lot and later that day we began to start dating.things seemed to good to be true calling every day bringing me flowers taking me out shopping and eating.then i was kicked out of my house and had no where to go.we had been talking for a month and he ended up asking me to move in with him so i did.i stayed with him for about 2 months.things were great at first then i couldnt go out without answering all these questions he started to accuse me of cheating on him by meeting ppl on line i proved to him he was wrong by showing him my e-mails and deleting my page on the website we met on.when i asked to see his he said no quickly and ended the conversation.so one day while he was out i found out his passwords went on his names and found he had all these females he was talking to who knew nothing about me or him having a relationship.although they all told me the same thing that nothing happened but they intended on getting together.when i confronted him he told me he never wanted to get with any of them and he only wanted me.i was stupid and decided to stay with him.then i started hearing things finding out when he was with his cousins his ex's were around and when i asked about all of that he said it was all lies and hes never cheated on me and he only wanted me.after we were together 2 months he told me he loved me and started talking about marriage and kids.i've been waiting for a relationship that i can see getting serious like this for a while and now that i actually got it i dont know.should i believe the man who says he loves me and make it work?i wasnt sure and ended up moving out after 2 months of staying with him.then i tried to end things last week but he wouldnt hear me out.he hung up the phone on me and called me a few days later saying his mom was visiting family in north dakota and was leaving in 3 days.she paid for a ticket to fly from mn to north dakota for 2 days.he said he would call before he left the next day around 10.10 came and still no call so i called around 7 to his dads and he told me he left on a business trip for the wknd. now a 2 day trip sounded funny in the first place but why would he lie about seeing family to his father someone please tell me what to do and for anyone who reads this at all please tell me something i love him but i feel he's only gonna do wrong if i stay with him am i right?

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This man is obviously a sad, cheating control-freak. I presume from what you've said he's a bit or quite a bit older than you.

"Marriage and Kids" is a classic line that woos any girl - it's what every girl wants! There are genuine men out there that do want marriage and children, but this 'man' is not one of them... Many men say 'I love you' to keep you, to have sex with you, to stop you running off... Often they don't mean it or even know the meaning of the word 'love' (and this is coming from a guy!).

I have found that people often accuse others of faults that they have yet to rectify in themselves - that he accused you of cheating, but didn't bother to listen to you even though you could absolve yourself of it, and gave him proof - it wasn't good enough. Rightly, you asked to see the same from him, and he refused, so in all probability he is 'cheating' himself.


It's sad, but some older men, who know all the games and rat-scams, sign up to teens and children's websites, in the hope of seducing young girls. They might seem to be genuine at the start if you talk to them, and maybe if you eventually meet them, but in the end they are just looking for sex usually, and sometimes under-age sex.


Please, get away from this cruel beast. There are plenty more genuine people out there. And yes, it is hard if you do love someone - but look at it this way - he doesn't love you, he lusts for you no doubt, but love isn't cheating, love isn't hiding, love isn't decieving. Your love will be forever unrequited with this pathetic man. Save your love for someone more worthy, who will return it to you...

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I agree with volution.


You have to get out now!


The things he does and says are to keep you. He is a lying, sneakily cunning man. Either tell him you don't want to see him anymore [Not face to face because i'm scared of what he might do] Or just stop all contact with him. Find friends or family that you can stay with and will help you.


Once he's out of your life; find your feet. Feel comfortable with you in your own skin and you can move on.


But get out of this relationship now!


Any problems; feel free to pm/email me


Or you can start another topic.

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