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what is she doing ?

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She only likes you as a friend...she uses you to boost her self esteem by flirting with you. Its the hard truth, and I wouldn't know how to tell you to handle it.


That's jumping to conclusions a little. She may be shy or she may have other reasons for not progressing your 'friendship' to the next level. What exactly does she do act as though she likes you?

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ok i think u need more details..


now i dont c her bec i traveled..


we talk on msn alot... she MOST of the time intiates talking, send emotions, send pics and everyday asks me what did u do today ?


What ?


face to face: we dont talk alot face to face bec iam shy maybe she is too... an i dont talk to girls alot.. iam so shy... she told me: she thought i hated her at the beggining bec i used to tease her lol...


but sometimes she touches me like hitting me in the leg or something like that.. ??

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like right now iam tlaking to a girl, who is trying to tell me in some way... that she likes me... iam not trying to intiate talking to her


i dont send her emotions.. iam not trying to talk alot or ask her personal questions... bec i dont like her


however she didnt say i like u but i still dont want to get closer to her... so now imagine i told this girl that i like her.. she should stay away from me if she dont like me or at least be normal...i dont think she is that bad...trying to use me.. she is soo kind.. and she was so honest with me..


now after i told her that i like her, we became more friends lol really..


whenever i say to myself... she likes me but maybe she has a problem or something is making her stepping back.... my head tells me she said: I LIKE U AS A FRIEND LOL now what ?

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Ah, what are you worried about? Do you realize that you are in the best position you could be in right now? All you are doing is driving yourself crazy over this when you should be smiling and thinking how great things are.


She is the one initiating contact, right? She is messenging you everyday and sending you things? Why else would she be doing that if there wasn't part of her that did like you? The problem at the start was that you didn't even know each other and you were talking about being in a serious relationship. She needed time to get to know you and be your friend. Now that she has, she seems to like what she has seen. You are away right now, so you cant talk much in person, so she is getting to know you the only way she really can, messenger.


Keep being her friend and talking to her. When you are able to, start hanging out together more. I wouldn't be surprised if this did grow into more.

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Warning: Don't ignore her!


You did that once and she thought you hated her. I accidently ignored a girl who liked me (didn't have my buddy list on so I didn't know she was on) and she took it like I didn't want to talk to her. If you really want to test it out, say hi but that you are busy and can't really talk. It's better to talk unless you are actually busy. You don't want to accidently hurt her feelings.

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i know but i dont want to hurt my feelings either again...


a place in my brain tells me: she likes you but maybe there is something preventing her from doing more..(any kind of reason ) actually there are alot...maybe she dont know me or shy or the society or anything


another place in my brain tells me: no she dont like u , she said she already said that she likes u as a friend and that she is only acting friendly bec she dont want anyone to hate her...


thats why iam confused and i got bored from this.. i want to be careless about this problem because it is making me mad.


which side of my brain should i believe... The only solution i have is to wait.. to see what happens next... i wont act that i like her again and risk with my feelings and false hopes... and i wont tottally ignore her too.. Maybe time reveals the hidden secrets... she now knows that i like her, so if she feels the same she will tell me... but if things remain like this for a long time, i dont think she likes me more than a friend.. she is the one to decide.. i already did my part and i got rejected... i dont have to keep my door wide open for her to go in and out as she wants..


She has feelings and i have too... i risked alot so if she is willing to do soemthing and she really likes me she has to take the risk too as i did... she know i wont reject her so why should her be scared.. She is in control now not me... she can give me hope or she can get me down.. she can act as if she likes me or hate me.. but iam not willing to stay in this state for along time.. May God help me...

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