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Did I do right? Do I deserve better?

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So, tonight my girlfriend broke up with me. Here's the background. We met online we chatted for a while, then started talking on the phone. It took forever for her to agree to see me but we did.


She's a single mom of 3 kids, a good mother and really a good person. I was always upset that she would never make any time to see me. The thing is, she was always busy. She had several ex's who would always stop by and visit (none of them her's children's father BTW) and she was always happy to see them and willing to drop whatever she was doing to make them welcome. Me, I was lucky to convince her see me maybe once every 2 weeks, if that. We did talk on the phone almost everyday though. I told her that this bothered me that she always had more time for the men she dumped than for me and she told me that I could, well, "something anatomicly impossible" myself.


Was I so wrong to want expect the same level of commitment that she seamed to have with her ex-boyfriends? Am I better off? I think I am, but honestly I'm so depressed right now that I can't know for sure.

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Oh man I can't believe she would tell you to do that to yourself


Friend you are better off believe me. It sound like she still wants to hold on to the past and not make room for you in her future.


I think when a person wants to be with you they MAKE TIME.

If she can drop things to make room for her exes then she can do the same for you.


When there is a will there is a way.

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i say forget her, if she has enough time to see her ex's but only soo little time to see you than something is wrong in that relationship, you deserve better and i bet a guy like you with a comittment level like that, youll have no problem finding the girl of your dreams.

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Yes friend, you're better off without her. Just try to learn a lesson from this and try to notice big red flags (lack of affection, verbal abuse) that the relationship isn't going the way it should. This will help keep your mind clear and you can make better decisions about what you want in a relationship.

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Don't waste your time waiting around for someone who won't MAKE time for you.


When you are interested in someone, you make time for them, bottom line. Even if you are incredibly busy, you will find some spare hours in the week to spend time with them.


Her response to you when you voiced your concerns was also a good sign that she has little respect for you.


I'd say you are better off without her.

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Yeah, I guess when I took off the rose colored glasses and started to notice that she wasn't that devoted to me, I knew I was better off. That'sy why I told her it was bothering me even though I had a feeling that she might call it quits though.


I guess I am better off, it still hurts though. Her loss, in more ways that one I guess.

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