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hi guys,

iam not going to say alot of details to make it short..


i almost got over the girl i like... i still think about her and i still like her but it doesnt hurt as before.. anyways, as a summary for what is happening between us:


Iam not in the same country now because i traveled.. we talk evreyday on the chat... She said she likes me as a friend by the way... so now that i told her that i like her and she dont like me that way... why is she acting so friendly... when i say friendly i mean that she intiates talking on the chat, she seems like she cares, we talk alot and even we became more friends than before...


like before i tell her that i like her, u usually dont talk that much, but now we talk alot that i even got bored from her lol... why is she doning like this ? Maybe she is just acting friendly but she is a human and have a brain... so she should know that when she do this i could think that she likes me... at least she should talk normally and not so much so i wont open that topic again... but she is not doing like this.... lol i thought this is going to be short.. sorry thats enought... what are ur opinions guys ?

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First off, are you really 86?


I think he means he was born in '86.


Always, you're thinking too much. The problem is you can't really tell how much she likes you until you return from vacation and spend some time with her. For now just enjoy getting to know her better on Msn! Flirt with her and make her laugh. If you can keep a girl's interest from that far away, I say chances are good she's interested in something more. Good luck!

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Hmm. Good point. Then we both must have a lot in common, because we seem to go on for hours about Always and his first potential love.


I've said it before, great minds think alike. We can go on for hours talking about it cause we have the same views of the situation so its good hearing someone agree with you. When you relate to what is being said, you can carry on the conversation for hours. It's like that bunny, it keeps going and going and going and going....


Also, we've invested alot of time, efforts and posts into this. We have to see it through until the end. So Always, keep us informed. I need to know what happens man! I have to know if she's seen what an amazing guy you are.

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I've said it before, great minds think alike. We can go on for hours talking about it cause we have the same views of the situation so its good hearing someone agree with you.


lol... is that the Imperial "We" or the friends "We"? I often confuse the two when being addressed by a drone from the Borg Collective.

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lol... is that the Imperial "We" or the friends "We"? I often confuse the two when being addressed by a drone from the Borg Collective


You used "we" first so I'll throw that one back to you, which "we" did you mean?


Borgs don't have friends, the don't have a sense of individuality. There all part of the collective. So I guess that would be the imperial "we" for them. To try to be friends would be futile.


That's why I'd rather be a shapeshifter and join the Great Link. Or a Klingon and die in glorious battle with my friend by my side.

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