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Hello everyone. Okay you see I have recently started a new job (I say recently it was in November last yr) as a computer technician. I work in an office and it has a great working environment. I'm serious It is so different from uni.


Anyway the guy I worked on and off with who delt with the web designing process is leaving in about 2-3 weeks. It was a bummer actually as I really started to fall for him. I thought he was great to work with. He has this laugh and smile that makes you go weak at the knees (sorry if this is soppy lol) and I feel completely shocked. I really would like to carry on working with him.


So anyway yesterday I was talking to the receptionist who I'll call Clair and she was saying about Joe leaving (guy I really like). She said he has a girlfriend and she's so beautiful. Well as you can imagine I felt pretty p****d off. I felt jealous of her and I don't even know her. But they are going to move to Missouri so he can start a new job. Well I feel really empty and what is worst is he said he noticed my attitude has changed a bit. He said I have been distant.


So my question is too you guys, How do you get over a strong crush that has been with you since you first met that person. It was love at first sight, honestly. I feel like crying I do however realise I will over come this in time and I will meet someone who is perfect for me but what about in this period of time?




~Ash~ xx

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For starters, cry your eyes out... Seriously... Let yourself have that emotional release - it can do wonders....


After that, you said the magic words yourself - it will take time. Keep yourself occupied and keep your mind busy on other things - walking, running, bowling, reading, anything else! I found that keeping busy helps push those other things out of your mind. Now, yeah, sometimes you're gonna fall flat on your face and find yourself coming back a little to this, but over time, it will get better...


I feel for you... Sometimes though, keeping those kinds of crushes to yourself is the best thing in the world... Trust me, been there and some days, I am still GettingOverIt....

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Maltesers, You will experience this many times over in your life. And you will get over it each time. And you will find somebody too that will be there for you. It's part of the cycle of life--You're born, you have a crush, and another crush, and another crush, and yet another one, you find someone who likes you back, you get married, (maybe have another crush---just kidding), and eventually you die.

And please, please dont compare yourself to the other girl. I'm sure you have qualities she only wished she had. And every couple, no matter how good looking they are, have problems.

I agree with the other poster. Get busy and make your life spectacular. Just remember that a guy, no matter how wonderful you think he is, can't make your life for you. We all have the fantasy that if we were with a certain guy that we like, our lives would be perfect. In reality, that isn't the case. Your crush has flaws too and wouldn't make your life good. You can only do that for yourself.

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Yup this will happen to everyone many times in their lives. Remember that there is more to life than just crushes and relationships so get on with your life. You will meet someone else along the way. Just remember that. I was going to say get out and approach some more but you're not a guy.

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The best way to get over a crush (or a relationship) is to box up/toss out anything that reminds you of the person, keep busy, and give yourself the love and attention that you're used to giving him. Exercise, eat your favorite foods, rent a funny movie, shop, play video games, buy yourself your heart's desire, go out dancing with friends, find something new to love, just basically do whatever makes you legally happy. I know it isn't easy to enjoy yourself when you're heartbroken, but once you go through this a few times, you'll come to realize that a lot of suffering is optional. Eventually these feelings will die down. You just have to ride them out!

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Thanks Small world for your post, it made me feel heaps better. You know when I felt down yesterday and came close to crying and locking myself away from the world, I read your post a few times. It just made me realise that I can do all those things, shop, eat right, rent a funny movie ect ... without him here. I have to admit Im going to miss him greatly and work will not be the same without his smile but I hope I will get over it in time.



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Thanks Small world for your post, it made me feel heaps better.

Now I'm going to cry! Thank you so much Maltesers. You have no idea what your kind words mean to me. I've been going through something similar recently and am practicing what I preach as we speak. If you need an "ear", feel free to PM me. We can commiserate! (Btw love your quotes!!!)

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