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loneley and depressed

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well you have all of highschool and beyond to get a girlfriend, look at it that way. some guys and girls don't date until they are into college and some start when they are 12 lol. It doesn't mean anythign is wrong with you, all it means is that it's not time yet. so hang in there, go have fun, and maybe you will find that girl to like who just might like you back . But I agree with the words don't go looking for love, cause you'll never find it, it comes when you least expect it. People say that a lot here, well everywhere really, and it's so true. Learn how to love and be happy with yourself and your friends and before you know it you'll be in the dating scene.

good luck.


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you're only 15 just live life and be happy let it get you down and it'll be a lot harder on you. there was a guy named jacob i knew like that and this one girl christie or something like that kept hurting him but only because he kept looking for love in all the wrong places so to speak, so don't try so hard it'll wind up hurting such a great guy

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Instant cure. Just kidding. Getting a girlfriend takes some luck and some work. The thing is, the more work you put in, the less luck is necessary. Start talking to a lot of different girls. Even girls you don't know, start conversations with them. It'll be ok friend, you're very young and have plenty of time to have lots of girlfriends. Be patient because it might take some time and practice to get good at talking to girls.

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But I agree with the words don't go looking for love, cause you'll never find it, it comes when you least expect it. People say that a lot here, well everywhere really, and it's so true.


yep, i've just experienced this. I was in your situation, i was looking for girls and thought they didn't notice me, but out of no where me and this girl hit it off and i wasn't looking for it or expecting it, it's awesome. i don't know about you, how much you talk to girls, but you need to in order to gain some attention. Just be yourself and be cool around them and someone will find you, trust me.

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Don't listen to these people who tell you "oh you're just in high school, you have a lot of time." I heard that crap too when I was in HS and now 6yrs removed from HS (I'm 24) I'm still in the freaking same crappy situation. Try to work on yourself now and get girls in HS before it gets too late and you end up like me.


A sad loser who is reminded of his failures as a man whenever I make a mistake be it screwing up on the job or striking out with the bases loaded like I did in softball tonight.

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And don't listen to people who tell you that you are a loser if you don't have a gf. It happens when the time is right. Focus on being the best you and don't change for anyone. Doesn't matter if you get a girlfriend at 16, at 24, at 34... it happens when it is right and your better off for waiting for the right one. But when you find her, don't let her go.

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hi all, i have been feeling a bit lonely lately. i see girls and get depressed because i can't get a girl friend. i'm just lonely. what should i do, what will help me feel better about this situation.


You're depressed because you have no girlfriend at 15? First thing you need to do is get rid of the desperation some way or another (whether it's through hobbies, therapy, etc.). Next, while enjoying life, approach women when you feel like it's a good opportunity and you can meet them pretty much anywhere. Join some clubs at your school and meet girls while enjoying the club, etc. Girls can sense desperation so work on the attitude first.

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i shouldn't say i'm depressed, i'm more sad. i want the companionship of a g/f, someone i can talk to since my parents are big mouths. but the one thing is, if i get a g/f, my mom will over react, she will tell everyone she knows about this. that is my biggest fear, not being turned down by a girl

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i shouldn't say i'm depressed, i'm more sad. i want the companionship of a g/f, someone i can talk to since my parents are big mouths. but the one thing is, if i get a g/f, my mom will over react, she will tell everyone she knows about this. that is my biggest fear, not being turned down by a girl


Well you know you're only 15 so stop fretting over this so much first of all. Someone you can talk to since your parents are big mouths? Can't that be achieved through friends? Maybe you just need to find some new friends. And who cares if your mom tells everyone? And of course many guys are fearful of rejection. Only way to get rid of fears is to face them.

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but the one thing is, if i get a g/f, my mom will over react, she will tell everyone she knows about this. that is my biggest fear, not being turned down by a girl


When you actually get a girlfriend, it won't matter who knows. You'll want to climb on a mountain and scream it out. You'll want to love her out loud. It doesn't matter who knows it, want matters is that the two of you like each other and are together.


And while I get the idea of wanting companionship and someone to talk to, care about you....at 15 you really do have all the time in the world to get that.

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I feel exactly like you do, and while I would give anything for it, and emotionally it hurts, logically I know that I am only young still and there is plenty of time. It's not much of a consellation but it's something.


Also, when it comes to not being noticed, maybe you just aren't realising that there are some girls who ARE noticing you and you just don't notice them. Looking back now, there were several girls in highschool who definitely made a pass at me and I was just too dumb to pick it up.

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When I was your age I felt the same way...up until I go into college. I was single for the longest time! It's all about the impression you give off. Act confident..but be polite. Flirt! Flirt! Flirt! And smile! Not a goofy smile but a confident smile. Yeah, I'm a sucka for guys acting like gentlemen who have amazing smiles. But don't worry about finding a girl. I always find the greatest guys when I'm not looking. Oh, and get involved in activities at school, at church, etc. You better inrease your chances of finding someone. To be honest...classrooms are the most horrible ways to find someone. I dunno...I'm just throwing out suggestions.


If you are really that desperate...have a good friend hook you up with someone.

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  • 1 month later...

I am 34 and still single; I've never had a girlfriend either. I don't know what I could have done when I was 15. Maybe you could ask yourself, "why would someone want to meet me?" Are you planning to go to college? That might be something to look forward to.

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I pretty much agree with what ShySoul is saying.


I would just concentrate on being you. You still have lots of changing and growing to do before you really have to worry I understand the desire for companionship as its something I believe is within us all, but sometimes friendship patches up that.. esp. at as young as 15. Do you have any really good friends? Any female friends (just friends, nothing else)?


RE: your mother, there isn't much you can do about her worrying and over-reacting. Except to re-assure her if you were in a situation.


But hey : no point worrying in advance, else you will worry yourself into inaction!

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